Canada Rant

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A/N: Surprise! This is, yet again, an assignment!! Yeaaaaaahhhh!!!

Just because I'm "Canadian" doesn't mean I live in an Igloo, or eat pouting and maple syrup.
I'm not an Eskimo, a lumberjack, or a dog sledder.
In Canada, we don't say "Eh!"
And I am not a Mountie.
Yes, we are polite (most of us), but we are not overly apologetic.
Canada does get cold, but it's not like that all year round (where I live).
We have winter coats, not furs (Fur is likely warmer. And more awesome).
And our diets don't consist of of maple bacon!
All Canadians can't be defined by these stereotypes, because we are a mosaic of different cultures.
Blended together to make a nation of diversity and peace.

Some people do live up to the stereotypes, though. And those people are really cool! I got 100% on this!! I hope you liked it's! Please comment and vote!

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