You broke me

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I was fine,
But in time,
Came to realize your schemes.
I Hurt, felt bad,
Sometimes sad,
That I gave you my everything.
Sick and twisted,
Mute, but listened,
To the lies dripping from you tongue.
Don't give me that shit,
Your lies don't fit,
Together, you've contradicted yourself.

You dumbass,
Yes, you!
Listen well, look carefully,
I know you see,
Right through me.
Fuck off,
You play too rough,
With my emotions,
Have you no empathy?

Look and see,
What you have done to me.
I'm shattered,
You broke this masterpiece.
Crafted by the sculpture,
Stitched, with his hands.
How did you,
Manage to get through?
And break me.
Yes! But look at it like this!
I broke you...

Inspired By Life✔️Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora