Warriors Fanfic with My friends at school!

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I haven't read the books! Don't hate me though! I want to! I just haven't got around to. I find writing so much more enjoyable, because you can do whatever you want! So don't judge! I love Warriors! And a lot of my friends do too. We actually acted this out at school! In this fanfic, we use the term "Lord", because we were pretty into MCD (Minecraft Diaries). Rusty is a girl! Because my friend who was pretending to be him was female. So she changed the gender of the character... My friends who were also in this added things that may not be true to the book. But it's our fanfiction! We had lots of fun acting this out, and spent a lot of our free time writing this.

One: I trotted down Evergreen lane. Small fragments of sunlight peeked out from behind the evergreen needles and illuminated the dusty pathway. I closed my eyes and listened to the soft melody of a nearby mockingjay. His voice echoed through the woods, every creature was spellbound by his song. "Smokey, do you have the daily report?" I asked. Smoky turned towards me. Her turquoise eyes locked with mine. "No, not yet." She replied. Ash lunged forward and clawed at a butterfly. It fluttered out of her reach and disappeared down the path. "Darn it! I was gonna eat that!" Said Ash tartly. I chuckled. "I'm sure Archer has something prepared for us! Don't you worry!" I stepped out in front of Smoky and Ash. "Lord Epiphany!" I looked back to see who had called. No I'm sooner than I had turned around, another cat emerged from the bushes and forced me to the ground. I twisted my neck to see who had attacked me. A pair of emerald green eyes peered back at me, searching me. I tried to stand up with no success, so I started clawing at the my attackers face. She flinched then hissed. "LORD EPIPHANY!!!" Smokey  screamed. She ripped the stranger off my back and pinned her to the ground. Ash rushed to my side, eyeing each scratch. "SMOKEY STOP THAT!!!" I shrieked. The Siamese stopped in her tracks and let her opponent stand up. "Rusty...... Is it really you?" I questioned. The orange tabby looked up at me and smiled. "Epiphany.....EPIPHANY!!" I sprinted towards her and wrapped my paws around her soft neck. "Rusty....... I thought you had been killed! Where were you?" I stepped back. Rusty stared at me with confusion. "Who is this cat!?" Smokey demanded. She pushed me behind her and growled. "She just attacked us! SHE ATTACKED YOU!" I stepped out from behind her. "Rusty is my sister Smokey. I was told she had been killed. It's like you're back from the dead!" I walked over to Rusty and smiled. "From here on out! Rusty is a member of the Thunderclan! " Smokey bared her teeth. "No... She's not!" Smokey hissed. I looked her in the eye. "Smokey, I'm Lord. Not you." I said sternly. She turned her back and trotted down the path haughtily. "Umm.... Smokey! Wrong way!" Ash hollered. Smokey ignored her. But before she turned the corner. She whispered  "she should be dead, you filthy animal." She then disappeared into the tall dark shadows of the trees. I turned away and sprinted down the path. "Lord Epiphany!" Ash sprinted after me, followed by Rusty. "Please, just leave me alone for a bit. I need to process things." I explained. I ran further down the path. 'Smokey would never say such a thing! Never! I get she's protective. But still......... Rusty's my sister and didn't mean to hurt anyone. And to comment like that! Smokey always obeys my orders. Even if I'm wrong.' I looked up and smiled. I had reached the den. I stepped inside and inhaled deeply. The familiar scent of smoke and boiled gofer. I walked down a small corridor. Most of the den had been dug into the side of a hill, so the ceiling was basically made of dirt. I entered a large room. "Lord Epiphany! Are ya hungry?" Archer asked. I shook my head. "I'll eat later. But it smells good!" I replied. He looked down at the pot. "What's bothering ya?" He questioned. I closed my eyes. "Nothing...." Archer went back to stirring the pot.  "Where's Smokey?" Asked Archer. I ran out of the room. "Taking a walk!" I hollered back. I reached the end of the dirt tunnels and trotted through the underbrush and into my den. Just as I had laid down on my bed of dry grass, I heard Smokey yelling and hissing in the distance. I looked up at the sky and gasped. The moon hung above my head and the stars twinkled with delight. The sky seemed to grow darker and darker by the second. "ASH!" I screamed. Ash came running at full speed and skidded to a stop. "We need to find Smokey! NOW!" We both bolted into the forest. The trees cast dark shadows on our path, and predator's loomed within them. But we didn't care. "SMOKEY!" We yelled. No one answered. We turned a corner and found Smokey, laying in a pool of her own blood. "SMOKEY!" I sobbed. She looked up at me. Fear in her eyes. "My...... Lord...... Help..." Smokey closed her eyes. "Smokey....... Please......no... Don't die on me...." Ash laid her head on her chest. "She's still alive!" Said Ash excitedly. We picked her up by the scruff and carried her back to the den. "Archer! Start preparing some medicines! Ash, make a spot for Smokey to rest! I'll call in the elders." I said sternly. Never before had I had to use such a tone. But right now I needed to. There was no time waste. Smokey was dieing and I had to think quickly. "Yes my Lord!" Archer replied. Ash was already laying down leaves and animals skins. I walked briskly down the narrow corridors. The walls felt like they were caving in on me, but I kept walking. I entered a large dome shaped room made of branches.  Sitting in the centre was Patchpelt, Small-ear, Halftail, and One-eye, our elders. "Smokey was attacked! We need you guys, NOW!" I stomped one paw on the ground. They stared at me, dumbfounded. "She will be ok my Lord, you need to rest. We will handle this." Halftail spoke slowly and surely, but it didn't help. "I must be there! This is Smokey we're talking about, I can sleep later!" I protested. Patchpelt, One-eye and Small-ear left the room. "Epiphany! Dappletail was tired! And she left her duties to get some rest!" Halftail said stringently. I groaned. "I don't need a lecture about getting proper rest! I need to help Smokey, s-she's my..... Friend..." I sat down. "All I'm saying is, you should go to sleep! And let us take care of her!" And with that she left, leaving me alone. 'I need some time...to think' I thought. I got up and trotted back to my den. 

"LORD EPIPHANY!" I woke with a start. Ash was practically on top of me, screaming at my face. "Ash....?" I whispered. She pushed me over and lifted up a tiny, golden retriever puppy. It's fur was like strands of golden sunlight. Delicately spun into magnificent golden silk. "I didn't know you had a kid!" She shrieked.  Ash leaped in circles around me. "Ash, there is lots you don't know about me. But that pup isn't mine! Bring it to Dappletail!" Ash left with the puppy. Shadow clan...... Right... I thought. I stepped out of my den and sprinted out into the kitchen. "If I'm not back by sunset, send help!" I told Archer. He handed me a bowl of soup. "You better eat first, where ya heading Lord Epiphany?" He asked. I gulped the last of my breakfast and ran to the door. "Shadow Clan... You mustn't tell anyone!" I commanded. Archer's jaw dropped. I ran out the door and disappeared into the trees and shrubs. Tiger Star.... Must find Tiger Star! I thought. The forest grew more dense until at last, I came to the border. "I WANT TO TALK TO TIGER STAR!" I yelled. Two cats emerged from the bushes, Yellow Fang and Snowtuft. "Please... I- I must..." Yellow Fang grinned. A third cat emerged from the bushes. He had dark brown fur, to the point that it was almost black. He had deep gashes on his snout and flank, and piercing yellow eyes. "Tiger Star..... Please.... Don't..." I stuttered. Tigerstar hissed. I stepped over the border line.

It's cringy! I know, I know (I just need to write something down)! This is nothing like the book.  And it ends really suddenly. All OCs were played by friends of mine. Some are here on Wattpad. This brings back some of my favorite memories of my friends. We always liked playing roleplay games and inventing OCs. Then we would write our adventures down on google docs and share them with the class. I miss those days. Elementary School was fun! As much as I love High School, I wish things could still be like they used to be. In case you didn't notice, Epifany was spelt correctly.
Thanks for reading!
PifyV. OUT!💙

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