Below Zero (A story I wrote in class)

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A/N: Welcome to my grammatically incorrect story. I'm not sure if that was proper grammar, but I tried!

One: Survival
Kathryn could feel her heart thumping. 'Save your energy! For when the Wolves come.' She thought. Five weeks in the wilderness was a long time for someone as unprepared as she was. Her face and hands stung from the cold and her body was sore and bruised. But it was nothing compared to the pain in her soul. Her family had built their  home out on the lake, which was only a temporary shelter. The ice was strong. But the trees that surrounded the lake were too. The wind beat against Kathryn's back chilling her to the bone. She imagined her warm bed and thick blankets that were now under water, with her family. Kathryn could still hear the sound of the ice cracking and the tree branches scraping against the frozen water. The sound of Emma screaming, her small hands trying to grip the ice. AWOO, Kathryn stood up and continued sprinting up the icy hill. She was ankle deep in snow and was clothed in nothing but her underwear and a corset. There where rips and tears in the white fabric of her undergarments and her corset made it difficult to breathe. Or was it the amount of blood she had lost, The last time she came in contact with a wolf. Kathryn couldn't tell. She plucked a few leaves off a bush that hadn't fallen in autumn. They tasted better than the dirt she had eaten by the river bank. Kathryn dug through the snow and made a little cave just big enough for her and the small campfire she planned to make. The snow seemed to bite her as she pushed it out of the hole. She pulled some sticks out of her long tangled hair which now looked like some sort of dead animal lying on her head. 

Two: Hunter & Prey
Kathryn sat up. The smell of smoke still lingered in the air. She took a deep breath and dug herself out of the snow.  The sun wasn't up yet. But Kathryn wanted a head start. The forest wasn't the same, the darkness seemed to bleed into the world like paint. The only things she could see was a man, with a gun. She started to sprint away but the snow was too deep. 'What am I running from?! It's just some guy trying to hunt some deer!' She thought. But her gut told her to run.She lifted herself up and tried (again) to run. But Kathryn face planted into the snow.Her face prickled from the cold and she glance up to see if the hunter had seen her, but he was gone. The forest was once again, peaceful. Kathryn stood up. "He's gone!" She thought aloud. Kathryn pushed some snow out of the way 'slowly' she thought. Kathryn took two steps forwards. BANG. Kathryn looked down at her left arm. Blood dripped down her ivory white skin and onto the snow. She started to sprint. The world seemed to be getting darker. Kathryn kept running. The snow was starting to get shallower but it still wasn't easy. ZIP. Kathryn was suddenly in the air. She looked around. A net. Kathryn could see the hunter coming towards the net and her. "Got ya now!" He said, the man aimed his gun at Kathryn. "Please!"  She said. The man dropped his gun. "IT TALKS!" He said with alarm. "Yep! The GIRL talks! Now let me down!" Kathryn demanded. The man shot the rope holding the net up. It fell with a thud. "Are you ok?" He asked. Kathryn glared at him then held up her arm. "I'm bleeding and have been living in the woods without shelter for 5 weeks! Mister!" She barked. The hunter took off his thin jacket and wrapped it around her body. He then ripped a piece of cloth from his shirt and tied it around the bullet wound. "I'm Samuel!" The man said. Kathryn turned her head away from him. "Kathryn" she replied. "I'm sorry, about the net, and the gun!" The stranger apologized. He helped her and led her to his home.

Three: A cozy bed and warm house

The first door was a light violet blue with a gray screen mesh secured in the centre. Sam opened it then inserted a key into a large metal door. "Why do you need that?" Kathryn pointed to the door. Sam pulled it open "my dad has certain items he doesn't want stolen." They both walked in the door talking. "Yum! I just LOVE cold supper!" Said a voice. Kathryn turned to were the voice was. There was a girl with long straw coloured hair and judging by her height she was around 16. "I THOUGHT you were getting WOOD not FOOD!" The girl crossed her arms and set her feet on a chessboard on a coffee table in front of her, toppling the pieces over. Beside the coffee table was a younger girl around 8 years old playing with a knight. "We have plenty of wood in the lab, I was just hunting for something to eat!" Sam put an arm around Kathryn and lead her down a hall. "SAM'S GOT A GIRLFRIEND, SAM'S GOT A GIRLFRIEND!" Sang a tiny high pitched voice. Kathryn strained her neck to see what was going on but saw nothing.

That's all I got! I wasn't really into it. I did get it published in the school newspaper! And a lot of parents seemed to enjoy it... This is what I had published, and the rest is lost. But I'll try to find the other chapters!

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