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           So, this past year (2016, even though it's 2017) I've been getting to bed at anywhere from 9:40 pm-1:00 am. Then I have to wake up at 7:00 am. What is wrong with me? Even though I'm tired I can't sleep, then I stay up late reading and writing (doing nothing productive).

      What is happening? I used to get to sleep at like 7:00 pm and be totally fine! Now I'm rushing around, getting barely any sleep!

     Here's the thing, nighttime is the only free time I get to do whatever I want (read). So I'm going to take that time and relax my mind a bit, instead of plunging myself into a restless slumber, because my mind never rests when I'm sleeping! If anything, sleep is the most stressful part of my day!

Rant over! Go to sleep!😴
I'm going to bed early tonight... Yeah!💤

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