Chapter Six: New Day

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(A/N I don't know if y'all have been confused about when this story is actually takin place. It is the Broadway Cast, post Newsies Strike. I was gonna make it durning the strike, but I can't fit it in right. Thanks guys)

Chapter Six: New Day

Mia's POV

Be strong. You have to hold your head up high.

I kept telling myself this.

That it is only natural for people to forget their past. But, I never thought you could forget someone who was "your best friend".

Maybe I was wrong.

"Guys, make sure you wash your plates. I'm going to check on my grandfather, then I'm off to bed." I said quietly, before making my way to leave.

"Mia. Mia, just wa-" Romeo called after me.

"Don't forget to dry the dishes as well." I said, before rushing straight to my room, not wanting to face my grandfather with tears in my eyes.

As soon as I was in the comfort of my small little closet room, tears welled from my face.

I cried and cried. The house was silent excepted for a steady hum of the whispers of the boys.

Soon sleep overcame me, dragging me out of reality I did not want to face.


I woke up, before the sun had made an appearance an began to toast the multiple loafs of bread I had per chased yesterday. I also set out the jars of jam and butter and juices. Cutting some fruit and placing it on a bowl, I finished breakfast and decided I should wake up the boys.

Walking up the stairs I remembered what my grandfather used to wake them up saying, an knew that was how I had to start their day.

I had to face the day and stand up to face Jack and embrace my loving "brothers".



I'm hiding behind my computer cos it's been so long since I've updated.

I hope you dot want to virtually kill me.

Especially because this chapter sucks.

Don't know if y'all know this but the South east (Where I live in North Carolina) is having like a snow storm and it's really unusual for us. So we have a foot of snow and are out of school. So you will probably get another chapter today or tomorrow :)


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