Chapter Two: Grandpa

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Chapter Two: Grandpa

Mia's POV

"Miss, we have arrived." The coachmen said, stirring me from the sleep I had fallen into.

"Hmmm!" I mumbled and yawned, while stretching my arms behind my head and then rubbing my eyes. "Do you have the time?"

"Just a quarter after eight, miss." The coachman replied, as he extended his hand an helped me out of the carriage.

I was hit with the instant rush of Nee York city. The sounds, people, smells, and overall atmosphere of everything made my stomach flip. I looked I front of me to see the Newsboys Lodging Home in all it's glory and exactly how I remembered it to be.

With a deep breath in, I started up the stairs and through the door and it was silent. I must have missed the newsies by a few minutes, because they used to leave at eight every morning. I smiled to myself as I looked round.

My grandfather's old desk was still as neat and orderly as I remember and the picture of me and him hung on the wall behind his desk. Down the hall and to the right was the small dining-like room where the boys would eat what ever food they could find. The lobby was where the boys would spend countless nights trying to convince me that poker was not a vice and they would try to teach me how to play.

The stairs. That's where I first met Jack Kelly.


I was five year old and was making my way up the stair case to find my grandfather, when a boy three inches taller then me came barreling down the stairs talking to himself about some place named Santa Fe. He didn't even see me before he crashed into me sending me backwards on my butt down the stairs. My head hit the floor and tears were streaming down my face and the idiot was still rambling about Santa Fe.

"Oh my! You boys are absolutely no help at all!" I said, drying the tears from my face as I stood back up and brushed my skirt off.

"Sorry. I wasn't thinkin' straight. If ya wanna fall again, Ill help ya up den." He said, smiling very big.

"You are an idiot." I said turning my nose up at him.

"Awfully big woirds for a small girl!" he said.

"Just because I'm small doesn't mean I'm not mighty!" I said, marching up to him an poking his chest.

"Hey! Hey! There ain't no needs ta be poking me." He said throwing his hands in the air.

"There's no need to be making fun and hurting me either!" I said, turning to walk back up the stairs.

"Ya know, you're alright kid. For a girl." He said, following me.

"My name is Mia."

"And Ise Jack."


"Mia? Mia? Is that you?" I heard a weak cry from the room tucked way in the corner.

I followed the voice, after making sure the coachmen set my trunk behind the desk an left. The voice led me to my grandfathers room and to his bed. My heart stopped at the frail old man in front of me. Though he looked like my grandfather, he did not look like my grandfather.

He was far to skinny and his face was pale and wrinkled. His eyes were bloodshot, but had numerous dark circles under them. His nose was red and his lips cracked dry.

"It is me, grandfather. It is your Mia." I said, my voice quivered slightly.

"Oh, how wonderful! I'm am so happy you are here now. Oh how I've missed you!" my grandpa tried to sit up, but I stopped with a soft hand on his chest.

"No. No. You stay right where you are. I need you to rest, okay? I will be right back with a glass of water." I hurried out of the room an into the dining hall and pulled out a glass. I filled it with water and then carefully walked back to my grandpa's room.

"Here grandfather. Drink this. It will help, I promise!"

"Thank you my Mia. I have cleared the old storage closet for you. It is not like your room back home, but-"

I cut him off saying, "It will be perfect! now, you close your eyes and rest. We will talk more at supper time." I bent down a place a quick kiss to his forehead and hastily walked out of his room, shutting the door behind me.

Walking behind the desk, I dragged my heavy trunk all the way down the hall past the staircase, dining hall, and lobby, to a door. The old storage closet was somewhere I would often hide form people who hurt my feelings, or it was where me and Jack would go just to be alone.

It was strange to open the door and it not be cluttered with boxes of useless things that did not matter. There was now, in the clutters place, a small bed and dresser. Nothing more. Nothing less. And I could not be more content.

I was so used to have an over abundance of things, that it was nice not to have to think of was to use unneeded items. Simplicity is bliss.

My trunk was growing heavy in my hands and it took all my strength to drag it into my bed. Opening it up I began to pull out the numerous dress I had brought with me and began stuffing them into the dresser. I lined my shoes on top of the dresser and began to place my bag of toiletries in a draw that held my undergarments.

Now that I was unpacked and officially moved in, it was time to see the state if the house, and how many boys I would be looking after.



I hope you enjoyed this, and please leave comments! I'd appreciate any questions, comments, thoughts, ideas, or sounds to be made!





Much love,

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