Chapter One: Adventure

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Third Person POV

"Lets go Mia! Say goodbye to grandfather!" A man with slicked back, jet black hair and unforgiving, brown eyes said, hurrying his eight-year-old daughter along.

The unusually petite eight-year-old then ran into the arms of the old man not far from her. She used her frail arms to squeeze him tight while she screamed, "NO! I DO NOT WANT TO LEAVE!". Tears streamed down her pale face, her warm brown eyes were swollen and tired.

The old man ran a hand through his granddaughter's blond hair, a trait in which she received from her mother, whispering sweet nothing's to her. "Don't worry my child, you can come to see me again soon."

His words calmed the little girl down, but she was only worked up again by her mother pulling her way from her grandfather.

Now, a little boy who stood slightly behind the old man spoke for the first time durning the whole fiasco.

"Be strong Mia! Ise'll see you soon!"

"Goodbye Jack! I will miss you." The girl, Mia, spoke, trying to be strong for her friend. A friend of whom she loved and did not want to disappoint.

Her mother put her into the carriage and before she knew it, the Newsboys Lodging House, her grandfather, the newsies, and Jack, were nothing but a distant blur she saw through silent tears.

Mia's POV

"Your grandfather is sick and needs someone to take care of him. It shall not be your mother or I, for obvious reasons." My father said, cutting straight to the point as to why he called this family meeting.

"Mia you will go. Your brothers are to busy with their lives, and seeings how you absolutely refuse to act like the lady you should, you still have no suitor to be worried about. " My mother said to me, before anyone could ask a question.

A look of disdain, disappointment, and disgust was well portrayed on her face. The way she spoke and looked at me though, did not bother me. I knew I was not the daughter my parents wanted, but I also knew they were rather content with their two perfect sons and their perfect South Hampton life style. They did not need me here, I was to much of a burden.

"It is what it is, mother. In fact I would be more then happy to go look after my grandfather. He is the only one who ever payed me any mind. Even if I haven seen him since I was eight, he was the only one that truly cared for me. I shall go pack and leave tonight if that makes your life so much easier." I said with a bit of bitterness in my voice, though I did not feel bitter, it was just easier to act that way. It made their blood boil even more.

"Braxton, have a carriage waiting to take me to the Lodging house in fifteen minutes. I shall be ready to leave by then." I said, to the old butler as I walked out of the grand parlor room, not listening to my parent and brothers annoyed remarks.

"As you wish, Miss Mia." He said, with a slight bow, before walking off in the direction of the front door.

I, however, walked in the opposite direction towards a winding, double staircase that lead to the second floor, where my room was located at the far end of the hall. I pushed open my door and asked my personal maid to fetch my trunk and put as many dresses, shoes, cosmetics, and other feminine things, as it would contain in it.

I twirled around my room with happiness at the thought of getting to see my beloved granddad and the newsboys he took care of. I would get to see not only him but Jack. The Jack I though if every day. The one that kept me turning away all the other suitors my parents brought around. The boy I had always loved.

Though, it did frighten me to know that my grandfather was very sick. Not only was I going to have to are for him, but also the other newsies.

"What if I cannot do this? What if I let my granddad down?" I spoke out loud to myself, causing my maid to look at me strangely.

You can do this Mia. This is the adventure you always wanted! I thought to myself this time.

"All done Miss." The maid spoke.

"Thank you love, you may go. Ill take it down by myself." I said dismissing her with a wave of my hand and a slight smile.

I huffed as I pulled the trunk if my bed and into the floor, so I could roll it along with me. I stopped at my door, and couldn't help but think that this was the last time I would ever call this room mine. I didn't plan on coming back, no matter what happened. I just couldn't come back.

I walked my way down the hall when I passed both of my older brothers.

"Mind taking this down to the carriage for me? the quicker it's down there, the quicker I will be out of your hair." I said, matter of factly. They both looked at each other and then picked up a side of my trunk each and toted it downstairs quickly. I knew they never like me.

My mother and father were waiting by the front door, with no warm and loving look on there face, but instead one of relief. One that confirmed my beliefs that I was just a waste to them my whole life.

"Goodbye." I said, holding my chin up high as I brushed past them without a glance their way. My mother huffed and walked towards her sewing room and my dad stood as still as a statue, watching and making sure I left.

My second older brother, Mark, held open my carriage door and my oldest brother, James, offered his hand, but I payed them no mind. I just hiked up my skirt to my knees and climbed my way in by myself. I never felt like part of family with them, none of them, and I was glad to be leaving.

I wasted sixteen year of my life trying to make them love me without losing all essence of who I really was and now I was free. Free to be myself. Free to love who I wanted. Free to make a name for myself.

And you sure as hell better believe this was going to be the adventure I had leads wanted.


Hey you guys!

I hope you enjoy reding this story as much as I enjoyed writing it! I will be continuing my other story as well, so don't worry! Haha!

WARNING: I write the chapters on my phone and edit them when I have a chance to get on my laptop, so I'm sorry if there are mistakes, I will go back as fix them as soon as possible!!

Please comment anything and vote. It really gives me the motivation to continue writing when you do!

Thanks again,

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