Chapter Nine: Different

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Happy late Valentine's Day. Please enjoy the above photo, because they are both just so darn cute.

Chapter Nine: Different

Mia's POV


That's all he had to do. He whispered my name and I crumbled completely, dropping to my knees my sobs becoming silent. I don't know why I was crying again, he remembered me and that's what I wanted, but it was different. He was different. I was different.

I was no longer the naive, little girl who followed him around with puppy dog eyes and a school girl crush. I had built walls, hardened from a lack of love and nurturing. I had seen the world, but I hadn't experienced life. I still looked like me, but I had changed. Different.

He was no longer the care-free and charismatic boy who teased me till my wits end. I could see that he too had built walls. He paraded around with his ladies and he's ego, as I had seen today, and he deterred any emotion except for his boys. He was their leader and he has to act like it. But he was not my Jack anymore. Different.

I felt warm arms cradle me against a hard chest, as I continually sobbed. My pent up emotions poured from my eyes, crying a river of lost hope. I knew Jack was holding me trying to comfort me, but it's like he forgot how.

But it was him who fought off my restless nightmares as a child. It was him who fixed my ouchies and told me to "suck it up". It was always him and now he was gone. He wasn't him anymore. He wasn't my Jackie boy and that killed me inside.

Suck it up, Mia. You need to suck it up! I told myself as I stood from his hold and brushed of the dirt from my night skirt and wiping away the tears that were staining my cheeks.

"Mia, I-Ise don't know whatta say to youse." Jack mumbled, trying to find his apology. "It's just been so long, Id thought you'd done disappeared on me. And Ise know it ain't no excuse-"

"You're right Jack, it isn't. You are-were, my best friend. I'd never up and forget you, no matter how long. You meant so much to me. I know it's been long and that isn't my fault. But it's your fault and your decision to give up on me like that. I would've come back if I could've but I wasn't allowed. And I know I've changed, you've changed, but I didn't forget you. I'd never, never forget you." I stressed to him, ever word stabbing me in the heart as I spoke the truth I had pent up for so long.


Well, there's a crappy ending for you! Another post on Tuesday if I can manage it! Hahah, thanks for your continuous support! Much love to all of you guys!

Hit me up with any questions wether thy are personal, Fansie/Newsie related, story comments, Ect.

Much obliged to Ya!

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