Chapter 56 - Growth and Change

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There is a house in Charming Town they call the Rising Sun. It's been the ruin of many a poor girl and me, oh God, I'm one. If I listened to my mama, Lord I'd be home today but I was young and foolish a handsome rider led me astray. Tell my baby sister, never do what I've done. Shun the house in Charming Town they call the Rising Sun." - The White Buffalo


When Mae's phone rang she was grateful for the distraction. Waiting for Opie to get home was excruciating as the secret she was preparing to share with him hung over her head.

"Hey Meels," Mae said as she perched on the counter. "What's up?"

"I'm in Vegas, I need some backup. You free?"

Her bright eyes flicked to the stove where dinner was simmering. "Uh, not really. Is it an emergency? I'm telling Opie tonight about the meds. He should be home soon."

"Oh shit," Amelia's tone changed. "It's nothing serious. I can handle it. I know you're probably freaking out but it's for the best. He deserves to know and you deserve to have a partner in this."

Mae smiled at that, tears in her eyes, as Opie pulled into their driveway. "Thanks," she sniffled. "You're the best."

"Yeah," Amelia rolled her eyes, "I'm not sure I agree. I can hear him. Go. We'll catch up later."

Opie stepped in the house as Mae tossed her phone to the couch. He smiled, subdued, and kissed her sweetly. "You okay?" As he tried to read her expression Opie's thumb ran down her jaw from her ear to her chin.

"I have to tell you something," she said sadly.

He already knew what she had to tell him. "The shit with the Doctor?"

"How did you know?" Mae stepped back to look at him and could see how guilty he was feeling. "What did you do?"

"I went through your shit," he admitted shamefully. "Twice."

"What?" She hissed. "You we're spying on me, essentially."

He nodded. "After Skylar killed himself and you told Hale about the letters," he shrugged. "I saw em in the storage boxes. It was killing me, Mae."

"I should have told you," she admitted. "You read them?"


Mae inhaled sharply. "Jesus Ope, we were working on this damn trust thing remember? Why didn't you just ask?"

"Cause I'm an asshole," he huffed angrily. "I'm sorry. I wasn't lookin' but I found em'. I'm sorry babe."

"It's fine," she huffed. "Doesn't matter."

"What?" He tilted her chin up to force eye contact. "Why doesn't it?"

Mae realized she was terrified he'd leave her if she couldn't give him a baby, the baby he talked about to frequently.

"You saw the paperwork," she shrugged. "They don't know why I can't get pregnant. I'm taking some infertility meds but I'm not hopeful."

"Maybe it's me?"

"Could be but there's definitely something not right on me end," she said sadly. "I'm sorry, Opie. I know how important it is that we have our own baby. I love Kenny and Ellie but I want our baby and I know you do to."

"I want you," Opie said earnestly. "If we can't have a baby it's fine. Doesn't change this."

"Really?" Her lashes fluttered and two fat tears rolled down her cheeks. "I wasn't sure if it wouldn't be the same, if it kind of ruined everything we had planned."

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