Chapter 40- Facing The Music: Part 1

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"Admitting failure is quite cleansing but never pleasurable." - Unknown

Jax arrived home as Amelia requested knowing he was in for a battle. Tossing his keys down he found her at the small dining room table, the one they never used, rolling a cigarette between her fingers. For a moment she reminded him of Piney and briefly Jax mourned that loss, and the loss of who they were then, all over again.

"What's up?" He asked in a low, dull tone.

She swallowed and tapped her nails on the table for a second before looking at him. "After I found out what happened I went to the morgue to say goodbye, to apologize," she shrugged. "I just wanted to see him, I guess."

"Why are you telling me this?" His dull tone was quickly replaced by one of anger.

"Because I found the evidence bags and you, like a fucking moron, left him in that parking lot with strands of YOUR hair tangled in his rings."

Jax's face went white fearing what she'd done with it. "Shit," he hissed.

"What is wrong with you?" She was still in such disbelief he could be so careless. "How could you not check?"

"I was so mad," he huffed. "I was out of my fucking mind."

"Yeah," she huffed and rolled her eyes, "I figured." With more of a snarky attitude, she continued on. "There was blood too, but I'm not sure whose it was. I took it, Jax. I took the bags and I came back here and I destroyed the evidence. All of it."

"Meely," he practically moaned. "Thank you."

"No," she said darkly. "I didn't do it for you and you are not welcome."

Jax stepped back, preparing for the onslaught, "Okay."

"They know it was me," she said ominously. "They know I tampered with evidence, they know I'm protecting you."

"Shit, babe," he sighed. "How do you know?"

"HE TOLD ME," she suddenly shouted. "He told me he knows; Gil knows I did it, he knows Juice and I had an affair and he knows you killed him." Slowly her volume lowered until she began to cry.

"They know about you and him?" Jax asked, his demeanor changing. She scoffed and rolled her eyes but before she could answer Jax spoke again. "That night with that asshole you fucked before we got back together, he told me it was him you were with after Tara," he said as it dawned on him. "It was Juice?"

Amelia nodded, "Yes, it was. That's how he knows. Warrick wanted to protect me that night."

"I would never touch you," Jax bellowed. "I've never hurt you, you know that."

"He didn't believe that," she snapped. "He knew you'd jump off and you did! Look what you did!"

"I killed a fucking liar," Jax spat. "Juice betrayed me, he betrayed the fucking patch."

"You betrayed me!" Amelia hollered.

Jax snarled, "You're not innocent and you can't play it anymore."

"Me?" She huffed. "I was tired of being second to the club and to Tara, Juice always made me feel like I was important."

"Yeah?" Jax was irate, a level of anger Amelia had never seen, and she felt her stomach knot. "Guess what, he woulda gotten tired of the bullshit and the nagging too. He ever kill for you? He do the shit I have for you and our family? I fucked Tara, yeah, but I've done more and risked more for us."

"Why is that okay and what I did not? Why does Tara get to walk around Charming knowing she won you, she managed to pull you away from me? Why do I just have to swallow it but when I do the same I'm the whore and me and Juice have to pay!"

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