"Hey," I managed to say barely and looked away a little bit.

"Um, hey. How are you doing?" I looked back up at Freddie. He was running his fingers through his damp hair to tame it a little bit.

"Better from what happened," I replied and nodded my head slightly, biting down on my lip and trying to hold back some tears that threatened to fall again. My mind drifted to what happened all of those days ago, to that phone call and how it ended and then me finding a way to crush my phone in my hands.

"No you're not fine. Don't lie to me, Sage," Freddie said quietly and pulled me into his room. He had a hold of me around my waist with his hands and dragged me over to his bed without putting up a fight with me since I was pretty much hesitant about what he was doing. The door closed behind him right away.

I laid down immediately and hid my head under a pillow. Now I was having second thoughts on coming into Freddie's room to talk to him. There's nothing bad between the two of us. Over time, we have gotten super close and then think back to what happened a couple of weeks ago between us. My feelings towards him were getting very mixed up.

The other side on Freddie's bed sunk down a bit under his weight when he finally laid down next to me. From where I laid, I didn't move one bit nor did I move my head from underneath the pillow. Once again, the tears rushed down my cheeks like a waterfall and all of my sobs were silent. Freddie knew something was up, he had to just by the way my body shook. Both of his hands slowly snaked around my lower back and pulled me a little bit closer to his body. "I know you're not okay."

My head came out from underneath the pillow and I laid on top of it and shrugged. The two of us didn't make eye contact with each other at all. At the moment, I just want to avoid every word Freddie says. Maybe it was a bad idea to come and talk to him because all he is going to do is ask questions and I don't even want to answer them at all.

We stayed silent for the next ten minutes. I didn't make a move or a peep. Freddie started to get uncomfortable in the state we were in. The touch of his hands on my lower back disappeared as they retreated back to him.

"You know you can talk to me, right?" I chose to talk to Freddie because he knew what was going on with me and I'm comfortable around him more than Dougie. "Sage..."

"Don't worry so much about me, Freddie," I said and curled up into a little ball. "I don't want you involved in my mess and you end up getting hurt. Hell, I don't want any of you involved with what's going on. And that's been like that ever since I came here." I knew he wasn't going to care about what I just said. Freddie is so hard headed sometimes and I'm not kidding on that. He is. He would do just about anything for me, not matter what's going on at the moment. It was sweet of him that he's looking out for me.

"You know what?" Freddie whispered into my ear and wrapped his arms around my body again, pulling me closer to him. His chin rested on top of my head. " I know you're stubborn when it comes to when someone wants to help you out or anything like that, but you end up refusing their offer. I don't care how many times you reject my helping. You know I deeply care about you. A lot." He took a deep breath and then placed his soft lips against my forehead. "Never in my life have I ever cared about a girl so much, Sage. I'll do anything  for you. Do you not see any of it?"

And I'm saying that Freddie is the hardheaded one here. I think it's actually me more than him. My head pulled away from his. I nodded a bit. "I guess I don't know how to accept it since I have never had any guy in my whole entire life look out for me. Honestly." Looking into Freddie's beautiful eyes made me blush a bit. But he had that look of disappointment from what I said. "Don't you even dare try to kiss me either. Do you not know how much of a mess I am after what happened? I barely even came out of my room, let alone my hygiene is pretty stinkin' terrible, too." Did I really just say that?

The Wrong Life To Encounter With ||D. Hamilton||Where stories live. Discover now