Chapter 7: Let's dance

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It was dark by now, the moonlight providing little lighting but, enough to see a few yards away from you. Peter held your hand as you both walked through the tree's inching away from the secret tree house below ground. You looked back to see the boy's peeking from under the secret shrubs next to the tree. You held back a smile before turning back to Peter, for once he didn't have his normal playful look on.

He was serious and he definetly looked it. He held your hand in a firm grip as you both followed the candle light across the fern. You both hid in the shelter of the tree's until your nightgown was caught in one of the broken tree branches causing it to tear.


You and Peter looked from where the noise had come back to the Pirates who had stopped in their tracks. Peter's normal smile suddenly grew on his face before he looked back at you "Time to get you some new clothes".

You raised a brow at him before the corners of your lip turn upwards "Does that mean we're going on a shopping spree?" You asked him jokingly until he took your hand.

"Something like that" he said before he flew upwards fast taking you with him. You gave a startled yelp and caught yourself in mid air as Peter began flying with you in tow towards Hook's ship.

It was parked on the beaches, it's anchor on the sea shore. It didn't look like anyone was currently home so you and Peter landed on the boat safely.

Peter led you into what looked like the captain's deck, you giggled in glee at the sight of it and whispered astounded "Wow". The room had jewels and crystals of all kinds thrown about and chests filled with treasure but, some stuffed with clothing.

"Pirates enjoy stealing things they usually have no use for..." Peter began as he kicked open a dark brown, golden chained Chest filled with clothing before turning to you "So they won't even miss this" he finished.

You leaned down and picked up a strip of cloth from the chest, you giggled before taking a gypsies skirt from the chest.

"These clothes are incredible" you said before turning to Peter with a curious look "Where do they get these? The clothing I mean".

Peter had his hand on his sheathed sword looking out the window before he turned back to you "Hook and his scoundrels raid the people on the other side of the stars. Usually from a different time then yours. They take what they want, but they know they won't need it. So it's just for fun really".

You nodded in understanding before Peter nodded your way "Get dressed. It's time for some fun" he said as he looked back towards the window.

He then began to race out of the room floating for a moment before he paused to turn towards you "I'll buy you some time" he said before he flew off.

You hastily ran towards the window wiping it off dust and dirt before your eyes widened seeing Pirates begin to board the ship and they looked angry.

You then looked away to rummage through the chest to find an article of clothing that would best make you look like a part of Peter's crew.

You then pulled up a short, green dress that had small ruffles on the shoulders. You smiled before noticing a black ribbon and a necklace along side it.

You couldn't hold back your glee as you threw off your nightgown quickly as you heard the slash of swords. You took the dress in hand and slipped it on and sighed at how great it felt to be in it. You then snatched the ribbon off the ground tying it around your waist as if a decorative bandage. Finally you found a white anklet with flowers around it in the corner of the chest and took it quickly.

You suddenly heard rapid footsteps above the deck before you heard the creaks of someone coming down the stairs. You felt your heart rapidly begin to thump against your chest.

Peter Pan X ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang