Chapter 8: Love

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After a few moments of flying, Peter began to lower himself and you to the ground slowly as he looked around for pirates scavenging. However, after seeing the pirate ship miles off beginning to sail away his seriousness faded as he touched the ground.

Peter was silent for a good moment and you lay on his chest in his arm's alittle ashamed "I'm sorry Pete" you began and Peter looked down at you as if confused.

But, you didn't look up at him as he asked "What? What are you sorry for?" He asked as if shocked to hear that you thought you were to blame.

"I shouldn't have gotten in the way and I was such a fool to let him get me so easily" you said putting a hand to your head raking your fingers through your hair.

You couldn't help the embarrassed blush come to your cheeks as you heard Pete laugh but, you were surprised when he said "Are you kidding?" You glanced up at him before he held you tighter "You were amazing! You gave those pirates a run they'll never forget!" He said with a smile and you blush harder.

"Really?" You looked at him finally as he smiled widely down at you.

"I don't say this to just anybody (y/n)" he said with a smirk before he let you go and took your hand twirling you in mid air since you could still fly.

"And your outfit is beautiful by the way" he added pulling you to him as you stopped twirling. You giggled "Thanks, I wanted to look more like a...lost girl" you said and Peter chuckled.

Peter was now in the air with you and you both held one another's hand as you waltzed to the gentle breeze of the night. You then leaned forward putting your head into the crook of Peter's neck as he pulled you close.

You both danced in silence, your moves only slow two steps as you moved side to side with one another. Peter had a hand on your waist and one entwined with your own hand.

"(Y/n)." Peter said and he sounded...scared. Probably confused but, his tone made you look up at him in alarm.


"Do you know what the weird feeling is in your chest...that makes it hard to breath when I look at you. Or even when you touch me and I feel all...tingly?" He asked you clearly confused.

You blushed and looked at him thoughtfully before pressing into his once more and he lay the tip of his chin on your head as you continued your dance "It's a reactiin in your body that tells you that your".

You felt Peter stiffen against you before you knew the waltz ended, Peter pulled away from you to look you in the eyes confused and slightly horror striken "What? But, I can't be in love" he says and you look up at him slightly hurt.

"Why not? Your free to do whatever you want. Why not love?" You asked him your voice nearly a whisper as both your hands dropped.

You were truly confused. What was so bad about love? The word, the feeling, the act?

Peter looked away from you as if upset with both you and himself "To even have feelings such as those, is an act of growing up" he states and you looked at him surprised.

He then poked back at you hardly meeting your eye's "And I can't and won't grow up".

There was a long pause of silence as you hid your hurt behind your bangs before taking a breath "To love...isn't to grow up Peter..." you looked up as Peter looked at you curiously his arm's crossed over his chest.

"We learn to love when we're young. As young as children, as young as babies." You begin with a slight smile as Peter's shoulders begin to relax "Love just...grows. You don't need to be an adult or even an elder to understand the true meaning of the word" you whispered.

"Then...I can love...without having to be a man?" He asked you his eye's wide and his body relaxing to one of relief as a small smile came to his lips.

"You can still be Peter pan, but in love" you said looking down at your toes that had suddenly become interesting.

You didn't need to look up to see Peter had a smile on his face and yet we med incredibly reluctant in something.

"(Y/n)" he paused as he was suddenly being moved forward and you looked up surprised and blushing to find you both were now face too face or rather face to chest.

Peter looked behind himself after giving you a nervous chuckle "Tink" he growled slightly even though he didn't seem as angry as he sounded and the little fairy tinkled cutely before shrugging and making a hand gesture that said 'go on'.

Peter then looked down at you even though you were both still in mid air "I um...I... (y/n) i..." you nodded to say go on looking at him eagerly and Tinkerbell nodded as well before dragging her hand down her face in exasperation.

That's when you saw Tinkerbell disappear behind Peter's back and before you knew it his lips were in yours in an instant as he was shoved forward.

Vox both held wide eye's before to your surprise Peter was the first to lean in pulling you close by your waist. You relaxed and even though you stood above ground in thin air you felt your knees buckle before your eyes drooped closed as did Peter's.

Your hands came up to cup his cheeks pulling him closer making you both chuckle as his grip on your waist became more dominant. Peter kissed you passionately and even though it was alittle sloppy and both of your first kisses, he was amazing.

Unfortunately, you both had to pull away for air but, you only panted for breath for a second before Peter chuckled and you smiled "I'm in love."Peter whispered and you smiled at him.

"I'm in love with you (y/n). I've felt it since I first laid eyes on you" he whispered and you felt your eye's water as he spoke and he smiled softly as he looked down at you his hands now moving up to caress your face lovingly.

"And I've never felt happier" he said and he pulled you in gliding towards him easily and your foreheads touched gently as you both closed your eye's.

"Neither have i" you said back and he smiled at you pulling your body into his.

Then, there was a tinkle next to you both. You turned a
on with Peter breaking out of your trance looking at Tinkerbell who sat on her pixie dust chair with a watch on her wrist.

You and Peter grinned down at the fairy before looking back at one another "I love you Peter Pan." You said to him before leaning to him to peck his lips.

He looked surprised before he chuckled dumbly and you giggled and took his hand taking to the skies with Tinkerbell on your shoulder.

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