Chapter 6: I'll fight

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After a few a other rounds of Tag, another game you had introduced to the boys that had absolutely nothing to do with swords since you found out that Peter used to chase the boys around with a sword for fun.

Awesome parenting Pete, note the sarcasm.

You collapsed with Twin One in your arm's, his tongue out and he was panting like a dog. He had a drowsy look on his face but a child wonder in his eyes and he said "My legs are seaweed".

Most of the boys looked at him before laughing and you did as well, that's when the others plopped down next to you exhausted as well. Peter was still upright but floating upside down "Come on you guys can't be tire out on me now" he said twirling his knife in hand.

You smiled up at him weakly panting "Not all of us can fly, Peter" you said. And Peter shrugged before nodding and laying down on his imaginary pillow in mid air his hand on the back of his head.

And that's when you heard a rather large thump, you jumped in surprise and so did Peter who flew down quickly his hand clutching his knife tightly.

"What is it?" You asked getting to your feet behind Peter who was standing protectively in front of you and the lost boys.

The lost boys looked to the ceiling eye's narrowed but, you could see the spike of fear in their eye's and you knew immediately before Peter said it "Pirates" he whispered.

"Their looking for you?" You asked and as you spoke you saw a small streak of light, sparkles following and leaving a trail behind. You smiled softly as Tinkerbell landed on your shoulder and she nodded back to you her face delighted to see you had awakened.

"They've never stopped. They don't know where we are and we'd like to keep it that way" Peter said looking up at the ceiling his eye's narrowed before he sheathed his knife and turned to the lost boys.

Their backs straightened and they suddenly had their bows and arrows at their side's. Your eye's narrowed an you looked back at Peter, he wasn't thinking what you thought he was thinking, was he?

That's when Peter began walking as if a drill sergeant in a pacing line before he turned sharply and did it again "Boys. It's time to face the Pirates, yesterday was a victory. Let's make today a greater victory!" He cheered and the boys gave their warrior cries of excitement.

Peter yelled in glee his sword raised suddenly and your eye's widened as Twin Two was about to rush towards the door. You scooped him up quickly and shouted over their war cries quickly "Woah! Woah! Peter you don't need to send all of them up there" you said a nervous smile on your lips.

They all looked confused at you and Nibs looked at himself and then at Peter "Why not? We've done it before," he said twirling an arrow in his hand before it fell off his finger and he bent down to pick it up quickly.

"I got that" you began and looked at Peter with a slight smile "Why not send just two people instead? They won't ever expect it, they'll expect an ambush which will leave them vulnerable to any sneak attacks. If we rush in, we'll blow it all over and we'll be captured or worse." you finished hugging Twin Two to you tighter his small arm's around your neck.

Peter seemed thoughtful on this and nodded in recognition "I like it. Let's go with that. So Mother who should we send up with me".

You looked at him surprised he'd leave the decision to you but, he held a confident smile his posture straight and fists on his hips. He wasn't afraid at all even if you were slightly quivering in your night slippers.

"Me" you answered him and Peter gaped at you slightly.

All the other lost boys looked up at you in shock gasping loudly even Twin two. You chuckled nervously before looking down at the boys "What?"

Peter is the one who answered "Well we didn't know mother fought...Are you sure?" He asked you his expression worried his confidence fading a bit.

You hesitated a bit before looking back down at Twin one who lay gripping your leg below you "Yeah..." you said and with a smile you looked back up at Peter.

"It can be like a training session for me, you teach me and I fight with you" you said to him shrugging with a smile.

Peter still looked as bit uncertain but, nodded slowly "But you stay by my side at all times" he said for once sounding stern towards you. You saluted him mockingly "aye aye Peter" you said before you put Twin two in the arms of Tootles.

You noticed the Boys had a few worried looks on their faces and you leaned down "Hey, why the long face?" You asked them.

Slightly was the knew to answer stepping forwards alittle before he said "Well...we're worried for you Mother. You've never faced the pirates before and..." he didn't finish but, you understood completely and with a smile you said "Come on guys. I'm gonna be with Father and if anything goes wrong I know my little men will have my back" you smiled at them ruffling slighly's hair and he smiled up at you.

"That's right we can still help you from the sidelines" Tootles said having a slight revelation and you giggled as the little ones perked up even more.

You then saw Nibs come up to you and he had taken something from under one of the little beds "Here mother" he said before placing a sheathed knife in your hand. You smiled at him in thanks before leaning down to kiss the top of his head.

He froze for a moment and so did the other lost boys, and that's ah n they all had a riot. "I want a kiss too!" Slightly yelled his hand raised.

"No fair I want another!" Nibs shouted cutting in line.

"Hey! I asked first!" Tootles shouted getting in slightly's face.

You chuckled nervously as they all got into a small argument until you laughed before taking them all in your arm's and smothering them with kisses. They gagged once before they began smiling brightly grateful for the motherly affection.

You laughed at their reactions before you felt an arm around your waist pick you up quickly. You jumped and knew it was Peter leading you both with you tucked into his arm.

The boys giggled cutely and you blew them a single kiss before waving "Wish me luck my little warriors!" You cried and you heard their muffled replies before Peter chuckled and closed the hatchet.

He put you down and you went to your feet "Rude" You said jokingly.

"Wha you gonna do?" He shrugged at You before he chuckled and you saw Tinkerbell fly in Peter's direction before crossing to you and her sparkling dust flew over your head and you were soon coated with it.

"Ready?" He asked you as you both neared the exit slowly.

You felt your feet lift from the ground before you smirked at him as he did to you "Let's do this".

And then there was light.

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