Chapter 13: Play Time

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       You brush Slightly's hair back comfortingly as he shifts his head on your lap, you smiled softly as Twin one and Two yawned faintly as they settled onto your thighs before Nibs let his head rest on your shoulder as he passed out soon after. Curly and Tootles lay curled up at your sides, snoring softly.

      You look up from the sleeping boys back to Peter who was up and awake, he was looking over a map. A map of Neverland, you didn't see why. Seeing as he's lived on this island for who knows how long, and he should know ever space, hole, and crevice on this island. And yet, here he was silent and surprisingly absolutely serious.

    The only reason Peter had kept the map was usually for newcomers, the future kids that would come to Neverland in search of Neverending adventure and limitless 'play time'. The lost boys hadn't fully memorized the map themselves, and you definetly hadn't either. You had only been on Neverland for a little over a week.


    You gasp in disbelief as Peter suddenly lifts the paper map and tears it in two. A wide grin on his face as he does so. The serious atmosphere that was once surrounding him, is now gone and he replaced the facade with a playful, uncaring outlook as he stepped on the crumbled pieces of the map.

    "Peter, No!" You cried.

     You stood from your place on the bed, a hand on your bandaged side, you tried to save the torn pieces of the last map of Neverland but before you could reach them, Peter snatched them from the ground.

     "If you want them, you're gonna have to catch them!" He challenged playfully, a wide smile on his face as he hung upside down with his toes touching the ceiling.

      "Peter, that was the last map of Neverland! How could you destroy it?" You demanded before grumbling as he flew over to the other side of the room, you turn and carefully walk over to his spot. Your wounds still weren't fully healed, your sides felt like hell and you'd rather pass out then chase Peter down. But, you needed to salvage those remains.

    "You're moving so slow, (y/n)!" He yawned tiredly, mocking you before he floated over behind his makeshift throne. He twirled repetitively in the air around the throne while looking at you, challengingly. "Come on, you're supposed to be a lost girl!
    You glared at him. "I am. But, you know why I'm moving like I am, Pete." You directed your hand towards him, "You should be resting as well. You took a hard hit to your head."

    Peter's smile seemed to vanish at the reminder, his eyes flickering to your bandaged sides before he shook his head and his smile was back on. "I am Peter Pan! I've swam with man eating mermaids and crawled next to poisonous snakes and spiders. I'm invincible!" He gloated with his fists in his hips as he rose higher from the ground.

     You looked up at him. Anyother day, you'd agree but, now he was just acting unreasonable. "Peter, I understand that you feel fine now but, can you please just give me the map and get some rest?" You asked, stretching your hand out towards him.

     He glanced at your hand to your face as if considering it. He paused, his feet slowly going to the floor before he spiked back up and sat on his throne. "I go to sleep when I want too. And I'm obviously fine! In fact, I've never felt better! Look at me." He stood, his feet finally on the ground before he spread his arm's out and spun. "I'm perfectly fine!"

     "You took a bigger hit then I did, Peter. And you know it!" You said before sighing and stepping towards him. He plopped back down on his throne with a sigh of exasperation as he looked away with an annoyed pout. "Your even still bleeding! Oh gosh!" You gasp worriedly as you wiped the stray strand of blood from his upper arm only to be shrugged away.

    "Why did you take off your bandages in the first place? Your cast is there to protect your arm from sustaining anymore damage." You reached out to his bruised, swollen right arm. He shrugged your hand away again, instantly with a glare.

    "I'm fine!"

    You frowned. "No. You're not." Your eye's softened, "Let me help you, please."

     He seemed swayed by your words. He glanced at you, before looking away and huffing "Stay away, (y/n). I'm invincible, like I told you!" He assured, his voice rougher and seemingly angry. He wasn't happy that you were putting up such a fuss just becuase he took off his cast and his bandages. He might be hurting alittle but, that's no reason to get so worked up about a few bruises.

    You shook your head before reaching for his other hand, the one holding the crumbled map pieces. "Fine then. But, I'd like the map back." You said before you glared at him as he held it away from your touch.

     "Why won't you give it to me?" You asked him before adding, "The boys and I haven't fully learned the map yet! We need this, in case you're not around to help us!"

      He stood from his throne, quickly. "I'm always here! You don't need this piece of scrap while I'm here. I've been here long enough to guide all of us through a bear cave and survive, in a day." He spoke confidently and his grin was smug.

    "But, what about when you're not here Peter?" You repeated, "When you're away or even injured and uncouncious like before, just the other day." His jaw tightened as you mentioned that day but you pushed on. "The boys and I need to be prepared for anything to come out way, especially with Hook who can now fly!" You whispered harshly as you saw Slightly in the corner of your eye shift next to Nibs in his sleep.

     "You're overreacting, (y/n). I'm not going anywhere! And hook isn't a threat, he's afraid of a ticking alligator for Petes sake!" He said pointing towards the wall where beyond it, Hook lay in his ship above the sky.

    You scoffed. "Who isn't afraid of one? They can eat you alive!" You then sighed before putting afraid hand to your forehead, your forehead throbbing just like earlier. "Look, Peter. I know you'll always be there for your boys and me. But, things don't always go according to plan. Sometimes you've gotten plan ahead, in this case, that map is our Plan B.

     "Now please, I need to put it back together. Please, give it to me." You said pleadingly as you put your hand out again.

    Peter shook his head making your shoulder's slump as he turned to the side. "Nope because...If you want it--" you jumped as he whipped out his sword with a wide grin. He thought this was a game.

    "You're gonna have to take it." He challenged before he lunged at you.

     "No! Peter, wait!" You cried, stepping back almost losing your footing on the small step as you stumbled backwards.




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