Chapter 6: Team Tony vs Team Captain America Part 2

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Y/n's pov
   As soon as me, Bucky and Sam came around the corner I saw a big gasoline truck on its back. I looked over at Scott and rolled my eyes. "Aw, man. I thought it was a water truck. Uh, sorry." Scott said running along with Steve. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me to catch up with Bucky. Luckily, he was holding my hand. So basically he was dragging me across the ground, but I was still on my feet. "There's our ride." Clint says pointing at the quinjet. I ran alongside Bucky keeping up with up at easy pace. "Come on." Steve said gesturing us forward. Suddenly a beam of yellow light blocked our path. "Captain Rogers!
   I know what you believe your doing is right, but for collective good, you must surrender, now." Vision says. I look towards the quinjet and see Natasha, Tony, Vision looking at all of us. Then Rhodey swoops in with T'Challa and he lands on his feet. Then Rhodey lands and Spider-Man lands beside him. Tony looks straight at me and holds his hand out towards me. "Come on, Y/n. Please come back. I miss you." Tony says sadly. I let go of Bucky's hand and walk forward a bit. I look back to see Bucky's​ face and he looks very sad. I turn back towards Tony and shake my head no. "Tony, I know you miss me and I miss you too. But from the day you signed the accords I just felt like it wasn't right. It wasn't Bucky's fault."
     I say looking at Bucky with a smile. "It was Hydra controlling his body. His mind didn't do any of it. He's my friend and I will not let you take him." I say walking back over to Bucky. Bucky smiles at me and I take hold of his hand. "What do we do, Cap?" I ask looking over at Steve. Steve just stares straight ahead without looking at me. "We fight." Steve says walking towards Tony and the others. We walk towards them and Tony's​ team start walking as well. "This gonna end well." I hear Natasha say with a sigh. Steve starts to run and the rest of start to run faster. "They're not stopping."
Spider-Man says looking at Tony. "Neither are we." Tony says using his flight systems to lift up into the air. Rhodey does the same. Sam and Wanda take off into the air and Sam using his wings and Wanda using her powers. Tony comes down to hit Steve and Steve blocks it. I don't even know what to do. Because there's seven on Steve's team and six on Tony's team. So that's kinda not helpful to me. I go over to Wanda and tap her shoulder. Wanda looks over at me. "Wanda, what should I do?" Wanda smiles and looks over at Spider-Man. "You can battle him." Wanda says. I smile and nod.
"Sounds good." I say. Bucky is fight Black Panther, Steve is fighting to Tony, Clint is fighting Natasha, Sam is fighting​ Rhodey. Wanda and I help fight off Spider-Man. Wanda throws cars at Spider-Man and he dodges them. I look over to see Bucky going after Black Panther. Bucky hits T'Challa in the face and T'Challa goes to the ground. He quickly get back and starts fight Bucky again. I look over and see Clint and Natasha fighting. Clint hits Nat with his bow and jumps on top of her. "We're still friends, right?" Nat ask Clint curiously. Clint smiles at Nat. "Depends on how hard you hit me." Clint says with a smile. Nat kicks Clint in the face.
Then grabs Clint's neck and rolls him over. Clint get up and looks at Nat. She goes to strike him when a red source goes over Nat's weapon and throws her towards a car. She hits the car and falls to the ground. "You're pulling your punches." Wanda says then walks off. "It's true." I say looking at Clint in the eyes. He nods his head yes and runs off in the other direction. I watch as Bucky and T'Challa grab each other's necks. I gasp in horror and quickly go over to Wanda. "Wanda, Bucky's going to get killed." I say scared for Bucky's life. "Don't worry I have a plan for T'Challa." Wanda says with a smile. Bucky backs up T'Challa and looks at with a serious face.
"I didn't kill your father." Bucky says seriously. "Then why did you run?" T'Challa says. T'Challa pulls Bucky's metal arm back and hit him. Black Panther grabs Bucky's hand and rolls him on the ground and into a wall with no where to run. T'Challa goes to strike Bucky with his claws, but Wanda uses her powers and throw him into an airplane. I smile at Wanda in thanks and run over to Bucky. "You okay?" I ask in a soothing voice. "I am now." Bucky says with a smile. Then I hear Sam from in my earpiece. "Clint, can you get him off me?" Sam says dodges the shots from Tony. "Buckled in?"
Clint ask Ant-Man. Ant-Man nods his head. "Yeah, no I'm good. I'm good, Arrow Guy. Let's go, let's go!" Scott says excitedly. Clint shoots the arrow towards Tony and Tony starts shooting the small arrow pieces. Ant-Man jumps off the small arrow tip and jumps into Tony's suit. Tony tries to shot at Clint but the weapon goes down. "Friday?" Tony ask confused on what's going on with his suit. "We have some weapon systems offline." Friday says. "Do what?" Tony says confused. I smile and automatically know Scott is in Tony's suit. I laugh quietly and look continuing to watch. "Oh, oh.
Your going have to take this into the shop." Scott says pulling a cord out of Tony's suit. "Who's speaking?" Tony says confused on what's going on. "It's your conscience. We don't talk a lot these days." Scott says pulling more cords. "Friday?" Tony says. "Deploying fire suppressions." Friday says releasing the fire suppression throughout Tony's suit. Ant-Man turn around looks at the smoke. "Oh no." Ant-Man says running away from the smoke. Then Ant-Man flys out of Tony's suit. I see Steve and Bucky and run over towards them ducking behind the box.
"We gotta go. That guy probably in Siberia by now." Bucky says quickly. "I'm gonna draw out the flyers. I'll take Vision, you two get to the jet." Steve says looking out towards the quinjet. "No, you get to the jet. All three of you, for the rest of us aren't getting out of here." Sam says into the earpiece. "Unless, I hate to admit it. We're gonna win this one, some of us might have to lose it." Clint says into the earpiece and shooting another arrow. "This isn't the real fight, Steve." Sam says. Bucky nods at Steve in encouragement.
"Okay, Sam. What's the plan?" Steve ask. "We need a diversion. Something big." Sam says dodging more shoots from Rhodey. "I've got something kinda big, but can't hold it very long. On my signal, run like hell and if I tear myself in half, don't come back for me." Scott says running in his small form. "He's gonna tear himself in half?" Bucky ask curiously. "You sure about this Scott?" Me and Steve ask. "I do it all the time. I mean once, in a lab and I passed out. I'm the boss.
I'm the boss. I'm the boss." Scott says running then jumping onto Rhodey's suit. Scott plays with some stuff on his suit then suddenly grows ginormous. Then grabs ahold of Rhodey. He turn Rhodey around and freaks him out. "Okay, tiny dude is big now he's big now." Rhodey says freaking out. Steve, Bucky and me turn to see Ant-Man now huge. "I guess that's the signal." Steve says. "Way a go, tic tac." Sam says with a smile. "Give me back my, Rhodey." Tony says. Sam then hits Tony and Scott throws Rhodey.
"I got him." Spider-Man says linking a web onto Rhodey. But then gets pulled by him. Scott pushes a car straight at T'Challa, but Vision stops it. T'Challa looks straight at us and runs after us. But gets stopped by Scott. "Wanna get to them. You have to go through me." Scott says kicking the boxes Black Panther is on. Rhodey tries to get to me, Steve and Bucky, but he gets hit by box piece by Wanda. Wanda tries throwing more stuff at Rhodey but he just keeps dodging them. Vision tucks in his knees and hits Scott in the stomach making him tumble back few steps. Then Vision sees me, Steve and Bucky getting closer to the quinjet, and so does Black Panther he hits Clint in the face and runs after us. Then Vision goes straight towards Scott and flys straight through him. "Something just flew in me." Scott says shocked.
Vision shoots at a tower and it starts to fall right in front of the entrance. "We're not going to make it." I say as we run faster. Then Wanda uses her powers to keep the building from falling on the entrance. I keep running along with Steve and Bucky as fast as my legs can carry me. I turn my head and see Rhodey shots vibration at Wanda making her scream in pain. I gasp and see that the tower starts to fall. Bucky and Steve run faster. I try my hardest to get underneath it but it crashes down on top of me making me scream in pain.

Bucky's pov
  I turn around and hear a painful scream. Then I realized y/n's not here. "Steve? Where's y/n?" I ask looking around the hanger. "I don't know. She was with us a minute ago." Steve say concerned for y/n's safety. "Guys! In here." Y/n says. I run towards the fallen tower and see y/n inside. "Y/n, oh gosh. Don't worry. I'm going to get you out of there." I say moving the fallen stone.
"No, Bucky. Leave me here, you and Steve got to get to Siberia and stop that doctor." Y/n says panting hard. I start move more fallen stones out of the way until I get to y/n. "Steve, help me. There's a fallen beam over y/n and I need you to lift it so that I can get her out of their." I say quickly. Steve walks over to the beam and lifts it up enough to where I can get y/n out of there. I grab y/n's arm carefully making sure not to injury her anymore than she is. Y/n cries out in pain and I pull her into my arms. "Y/n, thank goodness." I say putting her head on my chest. I pick y/n up bridal style carefully and turn so we can go into the quinjet. Then I see Natasha holding out her electrocuting device. Nat looks towards Steve and sighs. "Your not gonna stop."
    Natasha says seriously. Steve nods his head and looks over at me and y/n. "You know I can't." Steve says looking at Nat. Natasha sighs and looks between the three of us. "I'm gonna regret this." Natasha says then shoots between me and Steve. I turn and see T'Challa on the ground getting electrocuted. "Go. And please don't die on us, y/n. Your very brave." Natasha says looking down at y/n in my arms. Steve nods his head we get on the jet. Natasha shots T'Challa once again to keep him from getting to us. I sit y/n on a cot. Y/n sighs in relief and puts her hand on my cheek.
"Bucky, why did you save me when you could've been in Siberia by now?" Y/n ask breathless. I smile down at y/n and move some of her h/c hair out of her face. Then I look into her dull e/c eyes that show she's in pain. "Because I made a promise to you to keep you safe." I say kissing her forehead. "Where did you get injured?" I ask her holding her hand. "My right leg." Y/n says twisting her face in pain. "Okay, just lie down and relax." I say to her. Y/n nods her head and closes her e/c eyes. "Bucky, you might want to hold on to y/n." Steve says looking out the window of the quinjet. "Why?"
I ask curiously. Steve looks at me. "Because were being followed by Rhodey and Tony." Steve says shaking his head. "He just doesn't want to give up does he?" I ask laying down beside y/n and holding her tightly. "Apparently not." Steve says moving the lever forward to go faster. Suddenly I see Rhodey get knocked out of the sky. I hope he will be okay. I look down at y/n's face and sigh. I get up off of her sit on the floor next to her. "Is y/n going to be okay?" Steve ask concerned. I stare at y/n's sleeping form and look back at Steve. "I hope so." I say.

Wow, that was quite the shocker wasn't it? The reader gets hurt and Bucky looks after them that's so sweet of him. What do you think? Do you think Bucky still remembers those feelings for you back in the 40s? If you want to answer it, fine by me. But you don't have to if you want. Let me know in the comments what you think of this book so far. Is good, is bad? Does need more fluff to Bucky and y/n? Just put in the comments below. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and have a fantastic day.


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