Chapter 5: Y/n are sure? Suit up.

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Y/n's pov
   As soon as I heard that their will be a possible fight against my brother for Bucky. I start to pace back and forth not sure of what to do or whose side I wanted to be on. I try to think what is best for me but my mind and my gut are trying to tell me to do two different things. One, I can either join my brother's team and sign the accords which I didn't because it didn't feel right to me. Or two I can stay here with Steve, Bucky and Sam to help them. I sigh looking at the ground, I couldn't decide. I love my brother, Tony, but I also love Bucky. Which he probably doesn't remember from the memory lose. As I turn around I see Steve. "You okay, y/n?" Steve ask patting my shoulder. I shake my head no and sigh. "I don't know what to do Steve. I can't go back to Tony. If I do I don't think Bucky will forgive me for choosing Tony's side against him." I say looking down at the floor.
       Steve smiles and looks at me. "You still love Bucky? Don't you?" Steve says with a smile and a small smirk. I look up at him and back down at the ground, then I feel my cheeks heating up. I nod my head and look at Steve and start to pace again. "You know I do, Steve. I always have since the 40s. I don't know what I would do with myself." I say quietly. Steve smiles and puts a hand on my shoulder. "Y/n, what does your heart say you should do?" Steve says. I look up at him and smile. "My heart says to stay here with you, Bucky, and Sam to help you guys." I say.
      Steve nods his head and looks at me. "Y/n, it's your choice. No matter what you choose." Steve says walking away towards the others. I look towards Bucky and he's laughing at something Steve said. Then I see Steve talking to him and gesturing over to me. Bucky nods his head and starts walking over to me. I quickly look away and try to think of what my decision is. I feel a cold touch to my shoulder and automatically know who it is. "Hey, you okay?" Bucky ask. I look down at the ground and Bucky lifts my chin to have me look at him. "Come on, y/n. I know that look. What's wrong?" Bucky says rubbing his vibranium hand around my back.
    I sigh in relief and look into Bucky's blue eyes. "I'm trying to decide which side I want to be on. Tony's side or Steve's side. It's just really hard." I say quietly. Bucky nods his head and looks over at me. "Have you decided?" Bucky ask whispering in my ear. When I feel his soothing voice in my ear it runs a chill down my spine. "Not yet. I'm still thinking." I say. Bucky nods his head and moves so that he can hug me from behind. Bucky take a hold of my hand and rubs his thumb across my skin. "Well, whatever you decide doll. I'm with you to the end of the line.
   No matter what." Bucky says kissing my forehead and walking back over to Steve. I blush and smile seeing Bucky walk back over to Steve. I start to think of what Bucky and Steve both said and I've finally made my decision. I walk over to Steve, Bucky and Sam. Bucky and Steve see me coming towards them. "So, what's your decision, y/n?" Steve ask. I look him in the eyes and say, "I've decided that I'm staying with you guys." Bucky smiles at me and pulls me into a hug. "Y/n, are you sure? It's going to be dangerous." Bucky whispers in my ear. I pull away from him and punch his shoulder lightly. "I was born getting into danger. And I'm still able to kick your butt."
    I say with a smirk. Bucky, Steve and Sam start laughing and I join in. "Same old y/n. I never get tired of her." Bucky says with a smile. "Come on, let's get going." Sam says walking towards the car. I follow Bucky and Steve towards the car and we head off.

3 hours later

  We stop underneath the bridge and I see another car. "Who's that?" I ask Steve. Steve looks over at me and nods his head. "That's Sharon. She's helping us get our suits." Steve says getting out of the car. I watch as he walks over to Sharon and starts to talk to her. "I'm not sure you understand the concept of a getaway car." Sharon says shutting her car door. "It's a low profile." Steve says walking towards her. "Good cuz this stuff tends to draw crowd." Sharon says lifting up her trunk lid and I see our gear. I look over at Bucky and he looks like he doesn't have enough room for his legs. "Can you move your seat up?"
      Bucky ask. Sam doesn't even turn around at the sound of Bucky's voice. "No." Sam says. Bucky looks over at me. "Y/n, can you scoot over please?" Bucky says with a plead in his voice. "Sure thing Buck." I say scooting over to give Bucky more room. "I owe you again." Steve says smiling at Sharon. "I'll keep it on the list." Sharon says then looks over at the car. Bucky then scoots over and Sam looks over. "You know he kinda tried to kill me." Sharon says.
     I knew automatically she's talking about Bucky. "Sorry. I'll put it on the list." Steve says. Sharon and Steve look down at the trunk and back up at each other. "There going to kiss I just know it." Sam says quietly. "Shut up, Sam. I'm trying to listen." I say glaring at Sam. Bucky chuckles at this and shakes his head, then puts his arm over my shoulder pulling me closer to him. I sigh at his warm body and snuggle in closer. "Their going to come looking for you." Steve says looking at Sharon. "I know." Sharon says nodding her head.
        Steve looks at Sharon and smiles. "Thank you, Sharon." Steve says. They stare at each other for awhile until Steve grabs Sharon's waist and pulls her in to kiss her. Finally what felt like forever they pull way. "That was." Sharon says. "Late." Steve says with a smile. "Darn right." Sharon says with a smile. Sharon looks down and pulls away from Steve. "I should go." Sharon says with a sigh. Sharon walks around Steve and gets in her car. Steve looks at the ground and looks back at us.
    All of us smirk at Steve nodding our heads in approval. Steve looks at us with a "really guys" expression. Steve drives us to the airport parking place where we're meeting Clint and Wanda. Along with the new recruit. As soon as we park I see Wanda and Clint. I jump out of the car and run towards Clint. "Hey, Clint. Good to see you again. Guess retirement is not your style." I say with a smirk. Clint smiles at me and nods his head. "Well, you know how it is." Clint says. I turn to see Wanda and I smile. "It's so good to have you back, Wanda." I say hugging her tightly.
      She hugs me back and squeezes. "Well, it's better than being in that prison." Wanda says referring to the Avenger Tower. Steve walks up to Clint and nods his head. "How about another recruit?" Steve ask. Clint walks over to the van and opens the door. "He's ready to go. Had to put a little coffee in him. But he should be good." Clint says. The guy wakes up with a start and looks over at all of us. "What time zone is this?" The guy says. Clint pushed him forward. "Come on, come on."
      Clint says. The guy looks around his eyes land on Steve. "Captain America." He says in awe. "Mr. Lang." Steve says shaking his hand. He laughs a little bit. "It's an honor." He says. He looks down at Steve's hand and back up. "I'm shaking your hand too long. Wow, this awesome. Captain America. I know you too, your great." He says looking at Wanda. Wanda smiles.
    And then sees me. "Wow, even Y/n's here. I've seen you in action your pretty good fighter." He says. I smile and nod my head in appreciation. "Why, thank you." I say. The guy is so speechless that he grabs Steve's muscles and Steve looks back at us. "Geez, look I want to say I know you know a lot of super people. Thanks for thinking of me." He says. Steve nods his head in appreciation. "Hey, man." He says to Sam. "What's up, tic tac?" Sam says.
    "Look what happened last time." He says. "Was a great audition. It will, it will never happen again." Sam says laughing a little bit. "Did he tell you what we were up against?" Steve says. The guy looks a bit confused then looks back at Steve. "Something about some psycho assassins." The guy says. "We're outside on the law on this one. So if you come with us your a wanted man." Steve says seriously. "Yeah, well what else is new." The guy says. "Okay, I'm confused.
   Who the heck is this?" I ask looking at the guy talking to Steve. "Ma'am, my name is Scott Lang or my superhero name Ant-Man." Scott says looking at me. "Okay, I can't wait to see what you can do." I say quietly. Steve rolls his eyes and look back at Scott. "Ignore, y/n. She's just not use to new people." Steve says. "Come on. We gotta keep moving." Bucky says. Steve looks at Bucky and back at everyone else. "Suit up." Steve says.
   I walk over to Bucky and whisper, "I really don't like Scott." Bucky chuckles quietly and looks up at me. "Why is it because he's flirting with you?" Bucky says. I turn around and glare at Bucky. He just chuckles again grabs ahold of my hand. "I'm kidding. No one flirts with you but me doll." Bucky says kissing my hand making me flustered. "But I don't know if I'm worth all of this." Bucky says looking down at the ground. I turn and look at Bucky taking my hand to touch his cheek. "Bucky, you are worth more then that. All thanks to me and Steve, we've kept you from going to a psycho hospital. Don't ever think your not worth the risk, Bucky.
    You always are and always will be." I say kissing Bucky's cheek and going to change into my catsuit.

Sorry, I got a bit carried away with writing this chapter. But what can I say I love writing marvel x reader books. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. And I hope you have wonderful dreams of Bucky! Just kidding. Hope everyone has a fantastic day.


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