Chapter 6: Team Tony v.s. Team Cap Part 1

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Steve's pov
  I got into my suit and walked out looking to see if I see Tony or anyone else. I run towards the helicopter and an electronic device hit the helicopter making its systems shut down. I looked up into the sky and saw Tony along with Rhodey. Tony landed and looked over at Rhodey. "Wow. It's so weird how you run into people at the airport. Don't you think that's weird?" Tony says looking at Rhodey. "Definitely weird." Rhodey says. "Hear me out, Tony. That doctor, the psychiatrist, he's behind all of this." I say looking down at my shield. Suddenly Black Panther jumps over an airport ramp and lands on his feet. "Captain." Black Panther says.
   "Your highness." I say nodding my head at him. "Anyway, Ross gave me 36 hours to bring you in. That was 24 hours ago. Can you help a brother out?" Tony ask walking behind Rhodey. "You're after the wrong guy." I say. "Your judgement is askew. Your old war buddy killed innocent people yesterday." Tony says. "And there are five more super soldiers just like him. I can't let the doctor find them first, Tony. I can't." I say aggressively. "Steve... You know what's about to happen.
   Do you really want to punch your way out of this one?" Natasha says seriously. I look back over at Tony and stare at him. "All right, I've run out of patience. Underoos!" Tony yells. Suddenly a web grabs my shield and webs my hands up. "Nice job, kid." Tony says. "Thanks. I could have stuck the landing a little better, it's just... New suit. It's nothing, Mr. Stark. It's perfect. Thank you." The guy in the red suit says. "Yeah, we don't really need to start a conversation."
     Tony says irritated. "Okay. Cap. Captain. Big fan. I'm Spider-Man." Spider-Man​ says gesturing to himself. "Yeah, we'll talk about it later." Tony says. "Hey, everyone." Spider-Man​ says excitedly. "Good job." Tony says. I look over at Spider-Man and back at Tony. "You've been busy." I say gesturing to Spider-Man.
       "And you've been a complete idiot. Dragging in Clint, taking y/n, my big sister and forcing her to fight against her brother, "Rescuing" Wanda from a place she doesn't even want to leave, a safe place. I'm trying to keep... *sigh* I'm trying to keep you from tearing the Avengers apart." Tony says irritated. I sighed and looked at Tony. "You did that when you signed." I say. "All right, we're done. You're gonna to turn Barnes over, you're gonna to come with us, now, because it's us... or a squad of J-SOC guys with no compunction about being impolite. Come on." Tony says angrily. I look towards my right and hear Sam's voice from my earpiece. "We found it. Their Quinjet's in hanger five, north runway." Falcon says. I raise my hands up so Clint can shoot the web off my hands.
    Tony looks up at my hands and Clint shoots the arrow and breaks the webs. Tony turns around and puts his mask on. "All right, Lang." Cap says. "Hey, guys, something..." Spider-Man says then gets kicked in the face and grunts.

Third person pov
    Ant-Man grabs Cap's shield and lands on his feet. "Whoa. *stammers* What the heck was that?" War Machine says confused. "I believe this is yours, Captain America." Ant-Man says handing Cap his shield. Iron Man rolls his eyes. "Oh, great. All right, there's two on the parking deck. One of them's Maximoff, I'm gonna grab her." Iron Man says using his jet boots to fly and War Machine does the same. "Rhodey, you wanna take Cap?" Iron Man ask taking off towards the parking deck. "Got three in the terminal, Wilson, Barnes and Stark." War Machine says scanning the three of us on his radar. "Barnes is mine."
Black Panther says running towards the towards the terminal. Cap throws his shield at War Machine and makes him grunt and back up a bit. Spider-Man looks around uncertain of what to do. "Hey, Mr. Stark, what should I do?" Spider-Man says into his earpiece. "What we discussed. Keep your distance, web them up." Iron Man says agitated. Spider-Man starts to run, then shoots his webs out connecting them to a building nearby. "Okay, copy that." Spider-Man says webbing up towards the terminal. Cap hits Black Panther with his shield to distract him from getting to Bucky. Then grabs Black Panther by the neck and flips him over. "Move, Captain. I won't ask a second time." Black Panther says. Black panther tries to hit cap with his foot, the Cap blocks it with his shield twice.
  Then Ant-Man and Natasha are getting ready to fight each other. "Look, I really don't want to hurt you." Ant Man says trying to explain to Natasha. "I wouldn't stress about it." Natasha says seriously. Nat kicks Ant-Man in the private area making and groan in pain. Nat grabs Ant Man's arm and twist it towards his back. Ant Man turn small and flips Natasha over on her back. Then he grabs Nat's arm and starts rolling her on the ground. Natasha then uses her electrocuting device making Ant-Man fly right into a side door of the car. Then Spider-Man starts climbing on the roof following Falcon, Bucky and y/n. "What the heck was that?" Bucky asked Falcon and y/n. "Everyone's got a gimmick now." Falcon says to Bucky. Spider-Man uses his webs and hooks onto the building then breaks the glass to get inside.
"Falcon, watch out." Y/n says pushing Falcon out of the way just in time before y/n gets hit by Spider-Man and onto the floor. Bucky tries to make sure y/n is okay, but Spider-Man goes to punch Bucky in the head and Bucky grabs Spider Man's hand. "You have a metal arm? That is awesome, dude." Spider-Man says before getting hit by Falcon. Falcon open his wings from his pack then takes off with Spider-Man hitting him as they fly through the air. "You have the right to remain silent."  
       Spider-Man says then throws falcon off of him. Then shooting a web link to a beam in the building. Meanwhile Iron Man is chasing down Clint and Wanda. Tony shoots at them to try and stop them from escaping. Clint and Wanda dodge and ducks the shots and keep running. Cap keeps fighting Black Panther so that Bucky, Falcon and y/n can escape. Black Panther runs his claws down Cap's shield, then tries to scratch his face, but Cap blocks it all with his shield. War Machine pulls out a electrocuting device and points it at Cap.
"Sorry, Cap. But this won't kill you, but it won't tickle either." War Machine says charging at Cap. Black Panther kicks Cap onto the ground and War Machine comes at him with the electrocuting device, but Steve stops it from hitting him. Iron Man finally catches up to Clint and Wanda, then points his blaster hand at them. "Wanda, I think you hurt Vision's feelings." Tony says. Wanda looks at Tony and shakes her head in disbelief. "You locked me in my room." Wanda says upset. "Okay, First, that's an exaggeration. And second, I did it to protect you." Tony said. Wanda tilts her head to the side and thinking of something. "Hey, Clint." Tony says looking over at Clint.
"Hey, man." Clint says. "Clearly, retirement doesn't​ suit you. You got tired of shooting golf?" Tony ask. Clint adjusts his bow a little in his hands and looks at Tony. "Well, I played 18, shot 18. Just can't seem to miss." Clint says shooting an arrow past Tony. Tony turns around and shoot the arrow and it dissolves into thin air. "First time for everything." Tony says sarcastically. Clint smiles and looks at Tony. "Made you look." Clint said. Suddenly cars start to fly out of the parking deck right at Tony.
Tony tries his best to hit the cars, but Wanda moves her hands in every direction. Tony tries to dodge them, but Wanda throws a car on top of Tony. Then she puts more cars around him to block him in. Tony grunts at how much weight their is on him. "Multiple contusions detected." FRIDAY says. "Yeah, I just detected that, too." Tony says. Spider-Man starts swinging onto the top of a beam. Falcon shoots his guns at Spider-Man. He jumps off the beam and swings on his webs. Spider-Man flips up into another beam and turns to see a big blue disc fly straight at him, Spider-Man ducks his head and turn around. Bucky goes behind a column to hides from Spider-Man. "Hey, buddy. I think you lost this!" Spider-Man yells throwing the big disc back at Bucky.
   It flys back towards the column. And breaks, it makes Bucky jump aside. Falcon grabs onto Spider-Man, but he easily flips Falcon off of him. Spider-Man shoots a web at Falcon's pack making his wings shut down, Sam falls to the ground and turns around to see Spider-Man throwing webs at Sam's hands. Y/n watches carefully behind a column ready to throw the big blue disc back at him. Y/n breathes deeply and throws the disc. Luckily, Spider-Man ducked his head and looked over at y/n. "Hey, girl. I think you lost this!" Spider-Man​ yells throwing it back at y/n making the column break and roll towards Sam, and then shoots a web at y/n's right hand. "Those wings carbon fiber?" Spider-Man ask Sam curiously. "This stuff coming out of you?" Sam ask curiously. "I would explain the agility flexibility ratio, which got to say that's awesome." Spider-Man says excitedly.
"I don't know if you've been in a fight before, but there's usually not this much talk." Y/n says annoyed at Spider-Man talking nonstop. "Alright, sorry. My bad." Spider-Man says jumping over the beam and webs at another beam swing towards y/n and Sam. Bucky runs quickly over to y/n and Sam, then gets knocked down off the rail by Spider-Man shoots a web at Bucky's vibranium hand. "Guys, look. I'd love to keep this up, but I've only got one job here today and I got to impress Mr. Stark, so I'm really sorry, what?" Spider-Man says confused then gets caught by Red Wing and flies him out the window. "You couldn't have done that earlier?" Y/n and Bucky say looking over at Sam with annoyance. "I hate you guys." Sam says irritated.

Y/n's pov
    I look over at Bucky and Sam struggling to get out of the webs. "Hold on guys. Let me help you." I say taking the web off of Bucky's vibranium hand, then I walk over to Sam and take all of the webs off his chest, then his hands and pack. "Thanks, y/n." Sam says patting me on the back. Bucky comes over to me and takes ahold of my right hand. "Here let me help you with that." Bucky says taking the web off of my right hand and some concrete bits out of my h/c hair. "Come on, let's go find Steve." Bucky says holding out his vibranium hand for me to take hold of. "Thanks, Bucky." I say smiling at Bucky. Bucky smiles back and kisses my hand. "Your welcome, doll." Bucky says taking my hand and following Sam.
   As we walked, I felt so flustered at what Bucky does to me. Maybe, just maybe he still remembers that we dated each other in the 40s.

Sorry, this one took so long to write. I had to add as much as I could. But their will be a part 2 chapter to this one. So I hope you enjoyed this chapter and have a fantastic day.


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