Chapter 2: Remember

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Y/n's pov
       Why didn't he remember me? I sigh as I pace back and forth in my room. I hear a knock on my door and I walk towards it. "Who is it?" I ask. "It's me Natasha." Nat says. I open the door and Natasha comes in. "Y/n, you may want to look at this." Natasha says handing me a file. I open it and see a picture of Bucky while he was in crypto. "Any sign of him?" I ask Nat. Nat nods her head and takes the file and flips through it until she finds want she wants and points at the picture of him in Romania. "As the picture shows he's in Bucharest." Nat says firmly.
      "You haven't told Steve?" I ask quietly. Nat looks back at my door just in case he's listening. "Look I didn't tell him because I saw the way Bucky looked at you. It seemed like he knew you a lot better than Steve. Plus he probably has every single memory of you." Nat says smiling. I shake my head and look at my friend. "Natasha, that's crazy. It's only been two weeks since the crash of shield. He's never going to know me." I say sighing in defeat. Natasha walks over to my keep safe box of everything from the 40s. "Then why do you have Bucky's dog tags?" Nat asked raising her eyebrows amusingly. I walk over real quickly and snatch them away from her.
     "Well, um before he left to go on the mission to capture the hydra doctor. He gave me his dog tags just in case if he didn't make it." I say holding the dog tags in my hands. Nat nods in understanding and hands me my catsuit, passport, and file. I look at the catsuit and see that it's Natasha old one. I look at her and she sighs. "Take it. I can't fit it anymore." Nat says. I thank her and start getting dressed for the mission I have. I tie my laces to my boots and zip up my catsuit. I grab my passport, file, gun belt, and Bucky's dog tags and exit my room. As I walk through the living room I hear Steve's voice.   
        "Hey, Y/n. Where are you off to in such a hurry?" Steve ask looking at the stuff in my arms.
Oh, no. How am I going to talk my way out of this one? Natasha enters just in the nick of time, I look over at Natasha and whisper, "Help me." Natasha quickly comes towards me and Steve. "She's going on a mission. Fury's orders." Natasha says to Steve. Steve nods and hugs me tightly. "Well, just be careful please. I don't know what I'll do if I lost my best friend." Steve says squeezing me making the file drop scattering the file papers and pictures of Bucky. I gasped and Natasha automatically dropped to the ground picking up the papers and pictures quickly. Steve looks down just as Natasha is done picking it all up. "Oops, sorry about that y/n." Steve says. I take the file from Natasha's hands and silently thank her. "It's okay Steve.
       I have to go before I miss my flight." I say walking towards the elevator. "Good luck, y/n." Steve says looking into my e/c eyes. I nod my head and sigh in relief. I hit the button for the garage to the quinjet. I walk onto the jet and ask the guy to take me to Bucharest and rent a car. "Bucky, here I come."

Bucky's pov
             I stood by a plum stand ordering some plums. I thanked the lady and fixed my baseball cap more and look across the road. I see a girl with h/c hair and e/c eyes walking along the sidewalk. She looked like someone I knew, but it couldn't be y/n could it? I walked across the road and went to my apartment. I walked into the door and saw her. She turned towards me and looked at me. As soon as I saw her I knew who it was automatically. "Y/n? What are you doing here? How did you find me?" I asked walking up to her. She put a finger over my lip silently. "I came because I wanted to see if you remember me." She said smiling at me.
  I looked at her. "Yes, I remember you. Why wouldn't I remember?" I say looking at her beautiful e/c eyes. Y/n looks at me then down at my journal in her hands. "Because you said that you..." Y/n turned away automatically covering her mouth fearing that I didn't remember that y/n and I dated back in the 40s. "What doll?" I asked walking up to her. I could hear her breathing deeply to calm herself down. "It's nothing Bucky. I promise." She said moving her h/l h/c hair out of her e/c eyes. Her eyes were so beautiful and mesmerizing that I always remembered the way her eyes lit up while doing something exciting and adventurous, like going to Howard Stark's first convention. That was the best thing ever because I got to expressed my feeling for y/n and the other girls I brought left because I wasn't paying attention to them. Y/n turned back towards me and handed me something.   
                 "These are yours.
You gave them to me before, before." Y/n said trying not to cry. I came up to her and pulled into a hug. "Before I fell off the train." I said squeezing y/n's waist tightly but not too tightly to hurt her. I looked down at y/n and saw her tears running down her cheeks. I took my vibranium finger and gently wiped away her tears. Then she placed my dog tags in my vibranium hand. I put it over my head and tucked them into my shirt. I move over to the table and sat the plums down. I grabbed two out of the bag and held one out to her. Y/n took it kindly eating the plum and sitting beside me in the chair.    
    "Does Steve know your here?" I asked looking up at her curiously. She shakes her and looks down at her feet. "No, only Natasha does.
It was my mission to come here and find you." Y/n saying looking back up at me. I looked at her, she was just like that happy girl I knew back in the 40s with that red polka dotted dress. "Do you still have that red polka dotted dress you had in the 40s?" I ask curiously. Y/n nods her head and smiles. "Yes, Bucky. I still have all of my 40s clothes. I don't know why but I'm just not use to this year's clothes, because they have the weirdest clothes, but I still have to wear this century clothes because then i wouldn't look right." She says laughing. I laugh along with her trying to catch my breath. "Bucky, do you not mind if I could stay with you? Hotel's here are not cheap." Y/n says moving her h/c hair behind her ear. I smile and nod. "Of course.
You can stay as long as you like, but we're going to have to share a bed." I say chuckling to myself. "Oh, I don't mind." Y/n says.

This is Natasha's old suit in Iron man 2

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This is Natasha's old suit in Iron man 2. And I thought the reader using it would looked really good on her.

Thanks guys, so much for reading and waiting patiently for the next chapter. I couldn't update this story or some other of my stories because of my brother having his appendix removed by surgery. He had to stay in the hospital for two days. He's back home now but he can't do any running or PE at school for 6 weeks. So I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I will see you guys next time once I update the next chapter. Bye!


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