Kiyoshi Teppei ~Always Here for You~

Start from the beginning

Your eyes first went to the top of the board. You usually be on top.

Your eyes widened and you paled to the tone of pure white paper when you saw that your name was not there..

Something sharp gripped and ripped your heart from the inside. You breathe was hitching that you almost wanted to cry but, you clenched your fists tightly. It was okay..

You can try again, you thought.

You breathed out, trying your best not to seem agitated.

Your name was far from being in the top 10 students. Even the students who asked for your help was better than you.

"I'm in top 20. How about you, (Firstname)-chan?" Teppei smiled. He ruffled your hair lovingly.

"Ehehe.. I didn't make the cut this time," you smiled up at him sheepishly. "Better luck next time then."

"(Firstname)-chan?" Teppei lowered his voice, becoming worried.

"Come on, let's get to class!" You took his hand and pulled him out of the crowd towards the classroom. "Oh, and congratulations! Hard work paid off, huh~"

You cheerfully hugged him by the waist when you passed a corridor where there were less students.

Teppei still wore a frown but, he felt a bit better when he saw you smiling - even if he knew that there was something hidden behind it.

"Thank you, (Firstname)-chan.." Teppei smiled gratefully. You widened your smile at him in return.


The teachers asked a lot of questions as usual but, you put up with all of it and smiled your way through. You apologized for the huge sudden drop in your grades. You remained calm as much as possible. As the day go by, you almost forgot the pain that you felt.

You even spent it congratulating the top 10 students - well, whenever you came across any of them, of course.


"Are you really okay, (Firstname)-chan?" Teppei asked on your way home that day.

"Yupp! Sure I am. Why do ask that, Teppei?"

"Because I can see pain in you eyes."

You stopped on your track and turned to look at him. He pierced your eyes with those brown hues of his. Those usually gentle eyes turned serious.

"Please tell me what's wrong." He came closer to you and cupped your cheeks with his large hands. They felt warm but, your heart couldn't feel it at that moment. "Please tell me, (Firstname)-chan. I can help.. I-"

"Nothing is wrong so, shut up already!"  You covered you mouth when you realised that you yelled at him. You never yelled at him before.

You pushed him away from you, making him fall back by surprise. Your emotions were rising to the maximum. You could feel your chest tighten. It hurt you so badly.

You turned and ran away from him. You wanted to get away from him, from everyone else. You didn't want others to see you like that. You can't.. You can't let them see you cry.

"(Firstname)-chan!" Teppei called out but, you didn't look back.

You ran all the way back home. You flung the gate open and quickly unlocked the door. You could hear footsteps running after you.

You slammed the door shut as soon as you stepped in, locking the door behind you. You panted as a fury of tears gushed down your cheeks. You leaned back against the door before letting your back slide down as your legs grew too weak to stand and you finally sat there, burying your face in your knees.

Kuroko No Basket [Miracles And Love]On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara