Its going down im yelling timber

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Alex pov

The side of the muthafucking house went down we are all gonna freeze.

Izzy: everyone keep cal- gco by Yvonne


Alex: bitch be gone shut up miss. biology science woman what are our chances

Izzy: it depends on the wind chill but if were still here in the next 2 hours were defiantly gonna freeze

Janelle: boys move the furniture on this level to the rec center , when your done with that get all the stuff from the basement, Jessica pack all the stuff in the cabinets in the boxes and then everything from the fridge and freezer in the cooler,izzy Yvonne and Alex pack everyone's stuff and move the beds and the bags to the different rooms in the rec center 2 beds per room, I will help the boys organize, Kelly I-I know your worried about your girls so u need to help her and then go help your brothers, girls when your done line towels against the wall s-so it won't flood ok get to w-work.

Dustin pov I have a bracelet for Yvonne upstairs and she's packing my stuff but she can't see it I need izzy to get it.

Dustin: Yvonne's gonna find her gift go get it and put it in you bag

Izzy: I gotchu boo!

Dustin: thx

Carnell pov

It is freezing I'm gonna give everyone a hoodie for from the canceled London show because all of our teeth are chattering. I go give one to my bae

Carnell: here nellea (silent e when there is an a at the end)

Nellea: thx boo get back to work chop chop

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