"You're the only thing that makes me smile," he admitted quietly.

"I'm sorry this is such an issue," she scoffed. "I've been thinking about it all so much but, enjoyment aside, I don't even know what else I would do. I make so much money with no real marketable skills. I can't replace this income."

Happy smiled sadly, "I thought you didn't want to quit."

"I don't," she shrugged, "But I love this. It's hard to have it and my work, it's actually impossible."

"Yeah," he said dejectedly. "I make okay money."

"Oh Happy," she crawled closer and held his face gently in her hands. "I don't want that and you don't either. I don't want to put anything on us like that. The responsibility would ruin us."

"That ain't gonna be what ruins us," he said darkly. "I gotta get dressed."

"That thing for Jax?"

"Fuckin' babysitting to keep these pricks from screwin' with Juice."

She smiled, "Aww I love Juice. You're playing big brother."

"Yeah?" He laughed, loosening up slightly. "Why don't you come with me then?"

She smiled, "I wish. I have so much shit I have to do."

Happy was relieved to hear that, he was worried she'd said she had work, but it never occurred to him that she might be lying. It was easier for both of them, or so she thought.

"Come here, Kate." He reached out and took her hand, tugging her to stand. "If you get done early let me know," his rough palms sat on her bare shoulders. "A'right?"

"Alright," she smirked despite knowing she wouldn't be able to. "Be careful, babe," she kissed him.

"Yeah," he watched sadly as she traipsed around the room to gather her clothing, "I will."


"D," Katie giggled and slapped at Pope when nibbled her earlobe as he pushed her chair in toward the table. "Not in public."

"No rules tonight," he said hoping she'd agree. "I had a day, I'd like to unwind with you."

"We can relax some," she offered, "But not all."

Wearing a devious smirk, he nodded, "You're the boss."

Katie didn't say anything, she simply nodded and smiled politely as the waiter greeted them warmly. "Mr. Pope, Ma'am, what are we drinking this evening?"

As usual, Pope ordered for them both and once the waiter was gone, Pop took her hand across the table. "How's your week going?"

"Good," she beamed. "I'm really settling well here."

"It's been months," he chuckled, "It's about time isn't it?"

"I guess so," she shrugged. "I didn't want to rush myself."

"I was thinking," he clicked his tongue. "Do you contract out?"

"Excuse me?" She didn't hide her confusion.

"This is your career," he said plainly. "Rather than work hourly, why not work for salary?"

"Part of why I like my job is the flexibility," she was taken aback by the entire, brief, conversation. "I enjoy your company, Damon, I do. This is a very pleasant working experience but I don't like being tied down."

"That is one of your rules," he remarked with a flirty look.

Her eyes popped for a moment. She wasn't thrilled with the question or his behavior. Pope, usually,treated her with respect and kept things very low key and discrete but that changed quickly. "You're really bold this evening."

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