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Tegan stepped inside the building, following the small movements of Lazerbeak in the darkness until he found Soundwave.

The Cybertronian was in his human form again, and sitting on a bunch of crates as he waited.

Rounding the crates and coming into clear sight, Tegan waved a hand at the silent human, who just turned his head to look at him, Lazerbeak landing atop a crate by her master's head.


Tegan jumped when the sound of his name reverberated in his mind. It was extremely faint and hard to make out, but it was there. He stared at Soundwave, who nodded his head once and got to his feet.

You can... then?

Wincing at the voice in his head, Tegan looked at the blurred form of the alien, shaking his head and placing a hand to his head. It was aching now.

The presence within his mind rapidly withdrew, leaving him back to normal.

Soundwave began to speak through sign language, Tegan's eyes following his movements as best he could as he tried to make each blurred form out.

You are not yet used to the telepathic abilities yet, Orion. Soundwave noticed his struggle to keep up and slowed down. But you're potential to have it means you have a processor, not a human mind.

As Soundwave watched the boy begin to think through this confusing information, he updated his HUD. The boy had a processor.

Chances of Success: 52%

Tegan nodded, but still had a confused expression on his face.

A ghost of a smile touched the con's lips as he continued on again, slowly.

I must run some tests on you, Orion. I have the assumption that you are a Techno-Organic.

Tegan began to speak with his fingers, more fluently than Soundwave could, but the con followed it quickly, his processor translating it as it was motioned.

I do not understand. What's a processor? And what is a Techno-Organic?

Soundwave responded hurriedly. A Techno-Organic means that you are part Cybertronian as well as human. You never knew your father, and I think that's because he is the same species as me.

Surprise, shock, confusion and fear mixed themselves together on Tegan's face as he stared up at Soundwave, who nodded once. You may be part alien, Tegan. Due to the foreign blood, this may have caused your disabilities.

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