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(Homosexual, fem!Alex, fem!Jack)

"Al, drop me off at the door, okay?" Jack asked as her girlfriend slowly drove down the slick, wet road.

"Okay, love." Alexandria breathed out as Jack gently squeezed her thigh. She was dropping Jack off at a party before she met up with her friend Rian.

"Hey, I love you." Jack whispered and kissed Alex over the console as she stopped the car in front of Kellin Quinn's house.

"I love you too." She whispered back with a smile watching Jack get out of the car. She looked pretty wearing a loose pair of jeans and a flannel shirt. She needed another haircut, as her usually short brown hair was curled further down her neck than usual.

Alex watched Jack go up and high five their friend Zack and took a cup from him. She smiled before pulling back on the street and driving a few blocks to pick up Rian. She pulled up in front of His house and waited for him to run out into the damp night and climb into the passenger seat of her car.

"Which bar tonight?" Rian asked with a smirk as Alexandria set off across town.

"I was thinking Platinum Dolls, but you can pick." Alexandria replied looking of at Rian who smirked and nodded.

"Sounds good to me."

Alexandria drove downtown as Rian fiddled with the radio until they got to the bar. She parked the car underneath some of the few trees that lingered in the area. With a wink at Rian, Alex quickly pulled the big pink sweatshirt over her head revealing a tight, low cut shirt and a leather vest. She unzipped her pink skirt revealing a pair of matching black shorts and fishnets underneath.

"Will you hand me the shoes under your seat?" Alex asked and Rian laughed grabbing the black heels.

"Why don't you just let Jack see you like this?" Rian asked as he jokingly held out his arm and Alex took it holding on to him as they walked in.

"I love Jack, but let's be real, anybody would be worried if they saw me dressed like this. I'm 'innocent' and 'sweet'." She finger quoted, and wanted to laugh at the reputation she had. Rian was the only one that really knew that she wasn't all that innocent.

"It's always weird thinking of you as innocent and sweet." Rian snorted as they walked through the door and were met with music blaring across the stereo and the smell of alcohol floating through the air.

Alex sat down across from Rian at a table and they ordered a round of shots. She picked her glass up and clinked it against Rian's.

"Let's hope I don't remember the bad things tonight." She grinned, watching as Rian smiled and downed his shot.

"Let's hope one of us can drive home."

After a few rounds of shots, Rian was still decently sober and Alex was more towards the level of being trashed. She was currently standing up on the table, dancing while she yelled at one of the other girls across the bar.

"Hey, don't take my slutty outfit!"

"Alex, I think it's time to go home." Rian said, as he stood up looking at her.

"You wanna fight bitch?!" She yelled, loudly causing a few people to look. Rian wasn't sure who exactly she was talking to.

"Come on, Al." Rian sighed standing up in his chair and picking her up, tossing her over his shoulder and packing her to the car.

"I'm just getting started, Rian, come on!" Alex pouted, hitting his back with her small fists.

"I think you got started three lap dances ago." Rian sighed and watched as she buckled herself into the car.

"How about we have some fun at your house?" Alex asked looking at Rian with a smirk.

"I'm not that drunk and you're a lesbian."

"Lesbian looking for a good time, there's a difference." Alex winked when Rian looked over at her and she was taking her shirt off.

"Don't take your clothes off!"

"But, we're alone now." Alex frowned and pulled a joint out of her pocket, lighting it up.

"Alex! Where the fuck did you get a joint!?" Rian yelled as smoke quickly filled the car and he rolled the windows down, letting the smoke blow outside.

"I don't do lap dances for free, this is some primo weed."

"Give me that." Rian sighed and plucked the joint from Alex's small fingers and puffed deeply on it.

"Ooh, so you're going to be a bad boy now."

"I've always been a bad boy." Rian sighed as Alex flipped through the radio stations.

"Take me home and fuck me." Alex smirked.

And that's just what Rian did.

Short updates are all I seem to run on now, I'm trying though

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