Chapter 19: Designs

Start from the beginning

"Oh,so I can ruin your plans with Khadija.. Em,no thank you"


"Who?the interior decorator"

She doesn't answer,but rather storms out of the car and Into the house,what is wrong with women.

I pulled the key from the ignition and followed her. She wasnt in the, kitchen nor the living room.

She was sat on our bed removing the jewelry from her hand

"Yes,I have been receiving calls from Khadija, and that's because she wants to help with Zahira's room,I was going to show her the house,but she understood the directions her self.. she's really good,Next time you come to my parents house do check Zahira's room and see if you like her design's I can tell her to come here and help with any change you would like."

"Please, no." she mumbles, she's still angry..angry over nothing. I should probably just let her cool down.

I went to the kitchen and maria was cleaning the cabinets .

"Oh..good evening Mr Othman" she greets whipping her hands on her long black dress,maria should be around 50 years, but I Still love her cooking

"I liked what you cooked last week Wednesday, cook it again"

"You mean the Chinese friend rice"

"yes..with beef this time not chicken ..thank you" Marynn loves beef,so I have starting liking it to my self

I walked back to my office that was in the house and tried to check the time my flight was leaving, i found out it would be around. 7:40pm I should be at the airport by 5:00pm.

I twirl my seat to my beautiful view that was my garden,everything was designed by my mom,she loves Flowers especially the hibiscus and her lady mantle/Aster

I heard my ringtone go and reached for my phone twirling back to the view again,I heard a female voice and I remember not checking the ID,I looked back at it and i see 'Khadija '

"Helloo, there" she specks again much louder

"Yeah,did you meet Zahira"

"Yeah I did,she said you left not long,we got some prints,and some designs" she sounded excited.


"I heard you were traveling."

"Yes i am."

"Alright,Have a safe trip" she adds

"Thank you"



"Is it true that you are...em, that you got married"

"Yes I did..why?"

"Oh em.. nothing" I over hear someone call her name two times from the other line"Good bye Mr Othman" she added.

"Bye,Khadija" I sigh rubbing my temple as I twirled my chair again,looking down at my system

Sh#t marynn startled me.


"I did knock,but I guess Khadija's voice was all over you you couldn't hear" why is she jealous, over someone i don't care about
Im really not in the mood for arguments she needs to understand this.

"Okay" I answered and her jaw slightly dropped,I looked at her hands and they were photographs in then,I looked back down At the new documents sent by Sharon.

"Thats all your going to say"she sounds hurt,so I look back at her.

"What else do you want me to say,youre the one here thinking im cheating on you with..khadija,do you even know her?"

"Shes just an interior decorator i found for zahira"

"Call Zahira and ask if you don't believe me" I added,she looks like she's no way believing me.

"How long have you known her"

"Since high school..she's just a Friend"

"No you didn't say that 5 seconds ago you said she was just an interior decorator"
Khadija and I dated for like a month in high school, but that was then,and Marynn doesn't have to know that.

I didn't answer, and continued checking the report, she walked towards the door, and stopped then came back to my table,dropping the photographs on my table,she hesitated to say something..her eyes still away from mine she walked towards the door again,and stopped, when her hand turned the handle.

"You know I just want answers, you don't have to be a jerk about it"

Jerk.. Well I have been called worst by women.

I heard the door close.

This is so frustrating, i stood up and walked to our room. I knocked on the door before entering,marynn was laying on the the middle facing the other side

"marynn" i called I heard her snob a little I moved closer and she pulled her veil and it covered her face..

I wanted to touch her but this is a bad time I sat close to her,her veil was silk and I could see her eyes were close and a little damp area around her eyes

I brushed my hair resting my elbows on my thighs

"Marynn..I'm sorry" I turned to her and she was still in the same position she was before I spoke

"No I'm sorry for overreacting"

"No,you weren't I would have done the same if I had seen you with another guy"

My phone and hopefully it was my dad,which was weird he hardly calls me

"Hello" I wanted to stand up and leave to somewhere,but Marynn would think it's Khadija now

"Othman, Zahira is in the hospital, she just got admitted"

"What?what happened to her?" I just met her like 4hours ago she looked fine

"Asthma attack" I forgot Zahira has that,its been long she had an attack I thought it left her

"Okay,I will come there now"

"What's wrong" Marynn asked

"Zahira is in the hospital asthma attack, I'm going to meet her now"

"I'm coming with you"

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