healed || sixteen

65 3 2

two weeks later


Alex smiled as I fed him, I smiled back in joy. Cameron's still upset with me, which I already explained myself to him and he doesn't care.

He cheated on me, I didn't cheat on him, I wasn't even with Cam, we broke up. I just hope he still wants to see the baby and all.

"Hey baby." Shawn came up behind me and held my hips. "Hi, can you feed Alex, I gotta make a call." He nodded and I went to my room to grab my phone. I dialed Cam's number and he quickly answered.

"Yes?" His voice groggily. "I think it's funny how you're mad at me for something I didn't know until now, you cheated on me! We weren't even together when I had my drunk night with Shawn and you're still mad! I've apologized so many times! I'm over it! If you don't want to see Alex fine, fuck you!" I then hung up before he could say something cause I'm a petty ass bitch.

I finally let my feelings out, going back to the kitchen to see Shawn doing a 'choo choo train' and Alex was giggling.

Awe, I admired him, before he was so scared to hold a baby, he was just nervous, now he's used to it.

"I love you." I said putting my elbow on his shoulder, watching him feed the baby.

"I love you more. To think that Alex is my baby, is surprising." I gave him a warning and walked to the couch, laying down stressed out.

Shawn took the baby out of his high chair and brought him to the couch.

"I'm nineteen, I have a baby, you're a busy man, what are we going to do?" I said, thinking about the future.

"We'll make it work." I rolled my eyes. "It took us half a year to get back together and you're saying this is going to work? I hate you have to leave so often, soon it's going to be like last time. Why can't you stay and be a father?"


I looked at her pleading eyes, sighing. I do need to stick to my new title, father/singer on the side. Tour is ending soon so I guess I can make this work.

"Fine. I just have to do a couple of more shows baby, and I'm all yours. Hey you can come to your with me to."
She screamed in excitement.

"Our little family." I smiled.


What am I going to do? Should I text back? I decided to give up. It's for the best.

I could tell she's happy with home and I don't need to interfere anymore, Angela can go and be happy.

Yanelly and I have started talking again, which I think is great, I'm putting myself out there. But it's the girl I cheated with.

But love is love.

Angela will understand, she has no feelings for me anymore. I want to support baby Alex, be like a uncle.

I wish I was the father, but my state of mind was at the wrong place at the wrong time.

Seeing Alex in my arms wanted to make me cry, hearing that he's not my baby, hurt me.

I wasted so much time going to appointments and buying baby stuff when he wasn't even mine.

Shit we even threw a baby shower, everyone, celebs and all were there.

Now I feel so stupid. But I decided to let Angela and myself go on with life, I'm setting myself free.

two years later

*third person*

Angela and Shawn's relationship grew stronger, Alex has got close to Cameron as a Uncle. Cameron is with Yanelly, two cheaters brought together.

Life played out for all of them, including Tia and Suede, their clothing brand 'Bad Bitch' has over two-hundred stores across America. Tia met a boy, Sammy Wilk, and she stole him from some girl. Suede is still trying to find love, but she doesn't know that it will come soon.

Life played out for everyone, their ups and downs brought all of them close together.

Angela never forgot the death of her other baby, she prays for her, hopes that she is up there a little angel that died too soon.

For Alex, he's a little boy with a big mouth, in a good way, he just learned how to walkt and talk, he loves to sing, just like his daddy.

Angela and Shawn have been going on for three years strong, they have a bond nobody could break.

To think a young Canadian girl started out as a secret, she became a mother and a inspiration to others. She's glad she was, cause nothing that happened would be here or in her memory.

She wasn't a secret anymore, she was revealed.


another short chapter

the finale is coming soon!!

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