the great apology || fourteen

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a few days passed by


Preparing something, a surprise for a girl like Angela is hard. I scattered rose petals around my apartment, made a three course meal, which took me hours to prepare, a bunch of gift cards, Victoria Secret items, and overall everything she always wanted. I got her a promise ring which was rose gold and had a huge crystal in the middle of it. I never got her one, but this is the chance to redeem myself.

When I was with her so long ago, I never spoiled her because I never took attention on how she felt or what she wanted. I just got her a simple gift like chocolates or teddy bears.

But thing is going to be something big and she's going to love it, well I hope she does. She forgave me once, I hope she could forgive me again. It's my hundredth attempt at calling her, so the best thing to do is go to her house and ask her face to face. It honestly sucked being lonely again, Geoff and Tom helped me put this all together, they just left sadly so I'm here alone, contemplating on if I should keep calling her or just go to her house.

I finally decided on going to her house, which I'm afraid to go to. What if she's with Cameron again? What if she doesn't want to open the door for me? I'm thinking too much about it, just do it Shawn.

I got out of my apartment, on my way to get my baby back.


Finally I get to spend time with my girls, Tia and Suede. Their finally taking a break from all the business and traveling. It's been almost two months since I saw my best friends. Their about to go home, a fashion emergency they call it.

"Bye Angela, I swear we'll sleep over next time." Suede said before exiting the door, along with Tia. I sighed. I just want my friends here. I heard the sound of my doorbell chime, so I walked over and opened the door.

It was Shawn in a tux. My fucking weakness. I admired his handsomeness and rolled my eyes. "Why are you here Mendes?" I spat.

"To get you back baby, please come on this date with me, I'll make it up to you." He begged, his hands touching mine. "This is you're last chance, I'm sick of giving you so many chances that you break so easily." I gave in, going to my room to get ready.


When she came out of her room, she looked breathtaking. Her tan skin complimented her soft gray eyes, that tight gold silk dress, her body looking irresistible than ever.

She was so fucking beautiful. I put a hand to my chest, my breathing escalated, I was getting nervous every second.

"Flatter me Mendes." She grabbed my hand walking out before locking the door. "Oh I have a surprise for you." I handed her the tiny box, she looked at me in surprise.

"Are you-" I chuckled at her. "It's a promise ring baby, I never got you one so here you go, I fucking love you and I'm going to redeem myself to you." I put the ring on her ring finger then we got in the car and drove off to my house.


We walked in hand in hand inside my house, there Ed Sheehan started singing 'Shape of You' Angela started freaking out. "Holy shit it's Ed Sheehan help me I'm gonna faint."

She was always a fan of him, she adored his music. He was a good friend of mine so he happily volunteered to preform for me, in my tiny apartment.

Ed gripped the mic singing softly, I pulled Angela's seat out for her, she sat down. I ran back to my seat and sat down.

"First meal, the appetizer, which is French fries, you're favorite." I pulled out the fries from the kitchen and put them on the plate.

"Wow, not too bad." She munched on them, till there were no more. "I'm still hungry, that was just a tiny plate of fries." She whined, I chuckled.

"Next meal, pasta!" I grabbed from the kitchen, using a huge fork to put it on the plates.

"Mmh this is so good!" She said smiling. Ed started to sing 'Perfect', I admired her while she was eating.


By now Ed left, now it was just the two of us. "What's for desert?" I smirked. "Come with me to my room." I stood up from my table and walked away, Angela following.

There it all was, the gifts, her eyes gleamed with joy as she jumped on the bed. "You didn't have to get me all of this!" She said while looking at the very sexy lingerie I got her.

"I never spoiled you when we were together, but now this is my chance, my chance to be the best boyfriend." I walked over to her kissing her.

"It's all so amazing I love it all Shawn." She hugged me tightly.

"Now about desert." I smirked.


I woke up, Shawn in the crook of my neck, snoring. I smiled and got up to brush my teeth. First I grabbed my shirt, in realization I was naked. I blushed at what I did with Shawn last night.

I got out of the bathroom, seeing Shawn still sleeping. I laid next to him and traced circles on his abs and he woke up.

"Morning baby." I smiled kissing his soft pink lips. "Morning, let me get ready and we can go to you're appointment today."

"Shit I forgot that was today!" I sprung up from the bed, getting ready as fast as possible.


We we're on our way to the hospital, I was holding onto my stomach in pain cause the baby was kicking.

"Shit, even though this little thing is hurting me right now, I'm excited to find out the gender." I smiled.

"Me too, I'm excited!" Shawn said rubbing my stomach. "What do you want it to be?" He continued.

"As long as it's healthy I'm happy." I replied.

We finally arrived, so did Cameron, I checked in and waited in the waiting room till my name was called.


The nurse put the special gel on my stomach, getting the transducer and putting it on my stomach, I was used to it by now, excited to find out the baby's gender.

"It's healthy, no kidney, liver, or heart problems." The nurse continued to put the plastic transducer on my stomach moving it around. I smiled looking at the baby moving a little bit.

"Congrats it's a boy." I smiled. Wow, a boy, what should I name him?

Cameron cheered, I cried with joy. I'm really going to have a little boy.

This is happening and I can't wait to have my little family.


issa boy


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