shangela || seven

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I woke up from my sweet slumber and woke up to this beautiful being.

Shawn? No, no why is he here? Why is he laying next to me?

"You're beautiful Angela." He looked at me while caressing my hair. Shawn brushed his lips against mine and we kissed. The best thing I've ever experienced, the sparks it was all still there.

I sprung up from my bed sweaty and hyperventilating. Was it real?

I looked at who was next to me, it was Cam.

I sighed in relief and went to the bathroom. I tried to rid of this dream or memory in my head.

a little bit later

The dream was haunting me, chills went through my whole body when Cameron asked, "So what did you dream about?" I couldn't tell him the truth. I always told him everything but this I must keep to myself. "I dreamt about you baby." Lie. Lie. Lie.

I dreaded for this day, a day I would lie to my boyfriend. It was just a dream, it didn't happen in real life. I'm over exaggerating about it all I should just drop it.

"Babe wanna go get me some Chipotle? I'm tired, Magcon is fucking tiring." He asked me kindly, he laid down on the bed again covering himself with the blanket.

"Of course get some rest I'll be back." I said while walking to the kitchen my voice growing louder the closer I got to the kitchen.

I grabbed my keys, went down the elevator, and went down to the parking lot to get my car. I put the key in the ignition and drove to Chipotle.

at Chipotle

I went inside the busy restaurant I ordered Cameron's favorite but I got this weird feeling. The guy next to me was in his hoodie and sunglasses just ordering. You can tell he was trying to change his voice, but why?

When the mysterious man went to the register he used his credit card. "Sir I need to see your ID and you're face please." The employee asked sternly. He sighed and gave his ID. The man pulled his hoodie down and took off his sunglasses.

Holy Shit.

The man turned to me in surprise. Shawn Mendes. The heartbreaker, in the flesh. I never thought I would see him again, let alone be next to him without realizing it.

There the both us stood, awkwardly. The heartbreaker and the heartbreakee. The both of us broke each other, I guess I was a heartbreaker too.

Shawn quickly paid and left. I rushed the lady cause I feel I should talk to him. I went outside to see a couple of fans knocking on his car door. He was inside in shock, seeing the girl he loved after so long.

The small group of five fans were on the drivers side so I went to the passenger side. I tapped the window and he unlocked the door. I quickly got in and locked the door again.

"It's been awhile. I'm sorry." I apologized. I never called him back once. "It's alright both of us are very busy people I mean you have your modeling career and I have touring." He was lying. I could tell he was hurt. "Maybe we can catch up sometime! Go on a double date or something." He cringed at the words "double date".

Shawn looked upset. " That would be fun I guess." He said blankly. "If you ever need a friend I'm here, I'm not going to leave again." He smiled. "Well uh thanks see you."

By now the fans were gone so I got out and went to my car. I went on my way back home.

Seeing him made my heart flutter. I got kind of nervous when I was taking to him.

at home

"Baby I'm home!" I closed the door and walked to our room.

Cam was sleeping again aw.

I sat next to where he was and pet his hair. Cam instantly woke up. I gave him his bag of food and he instantly started eating.

"What took you so long? You were gone for like half and hour." He asked. I was going to tell him my encounter with Shawn.

Cameron hates him. But I know I have to tell him. I'm not lying I lied once, that'll be the only time.

"Well, I saw and talked to Shawn Mendes."



I named it because I thought it would fit cause
Shawn and Angela saw each other and
She had a dream about him.

Anyways nepenthees recommend that
Angela sees Shawn again so :).

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