Chapter 19

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Martinus’s POV

Megan left the house and I went upstairs to tell Mac what happened. He got Amber and they left to make sure that Taylor and Megan were ok. I left shortly after since I was too worried about them! When I was running towards the place I saw Megan and Amber in one corner, Megan frozen with fear, Mac in the other corner holding onto his stomach, gasping for air, and Taylor on the floor covering her face with her hands! I saw a guy standing over her. Must be Jack! “Hey! Don’t touch my girlfriend!” I yelled. He looked at me with a fake smile. “So you're Martinus? Her boyfriend?” He smirked. “Martinus leave! He'll hurt you!” Taylor says while taking her hands off her face, revealing a cut across one side of her jaw! I mouthed ‘I can't’ and ran towards Jack, but he blocked my punch and shoved me to the ground, then got on top of me and started punching me! After a couple punches I catch one and throw him off of me. I get up and kick him where no man should ever be kicked! He falls, wincing in pain. I ran over to Taylor making sure that she’s ok. “Are you ok?!” I said worriedly. She nodded and we both smiled. Then i saw Megan holding Marcus who was still holding onto his stomach! I ran over to them and gave them both a hug. Mac could hardly breathe and was coughing a lot! Amber was watching, frozen, not sure what to do. She pulled out her phone to call an ambulance. As she was dialing Jack came up from behind and was choking her! I jumped up and tried to take him off of Amber, but he pushed me into the wall and I banged my head. I was really dizzy and sat down on the ground, my eyes slowly closing.

Taylor’s POV

I was sitting next to Mac, making sure he was ok, when Martinus got up to get Jack off of Amber! He gets pushed into the wall, banging his head and then blacking out, which worries me so much! I fill with anger and get up and pull Jack off of Amber, then he turns around and smirks at me again, then pulls something out of his back pocket. I thought it was a gun, and my eyes grew wide, then I saw that it was a piece of paper! He handed it to me, then pulled something out of his pocket again. This time it was a gun! He turned around and aimed it at Mac! Megan was next to Martinus, checking to see if he was ok, then she saw what Jack was doing, and filled up with tears! “NOOO!!” We both say as we fill with tears. Mac looked up and saw, and was frozen with fear, not moving! Megan and I look at each other, we both nod, then she runs in front of Jack as he’s about to shoot, while I run from behind him to grab the gun out of his hands. As I grab it I hear a bullet being shot and I get very scared! I get the gun, not focusing on anything, just Jack! I aim it at him! All these thoughts rush through my mind saying ‘Don’t do it!’ and ‘This isn’t you!’ I listen to the voices and put down the gun. I stare at the floor, crying, while I hear Jack say “What? You chicken?! You don’t have the guts to kill me?! I always knew you were such a wimp!” He says. I fill with anger again and punch him in the stomach, he falls to the ground. I kick him a bit, resulting in his lip bleeding! I then call 911, and the ambulance and police came. Mac was ready to pass out as he was taken into the ambulance, along with Martinus. Megan, Amber and I stay behind to explain to the police what happened with Jack, and he went into the police car as they drove off with him! The girls and I run to the hospital to check on the twins!

I'm soo sorry I haven't updated in 2 weeks!! It's been soo hard to write and I'm running out of ideas! I think I'm going to end this soon so tell me if I should! Thx for being patient with me! Love ya❤

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