Chapter 2

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I screamed! This is the first time I've ever moved! This was big for me! Madison was jumping around excitedly. I ran upstairs and texted Taylor.






I don't know my mom didn't say it's a surprise I think!!!

Ok let me know when you're there!!

Ok I'm leaving tomorrow morning I'll text you!!


I was so excited! I couldn't believe I was moving!! I'm gonna miss my school but at the same time I'm so excited for a new school! I couldn't sleep that well since I was so happy! Eventually I fell asleep but it took a while!

The Next Morning

I woke up really early because Mom needs help loading all the furniture into the trucks that are coming soon. I'm so excited!!! I can't wait to find out where we're moving to! I hope it's not far from Taylor! I'm getting tired of not
texting her because it's too late at night or too early in the morning where she is! I woke up and took a shower. Then I went downstairs to grab something to eat. I was too lazy to make something so I just grabbed some leftover pancakes from yesterday. As I was eating Madison woke up. I got her some pancakes too and we ate together while making guesses on where we're moving to. "I think we're moving to Canada!" Madison yells. "I think we're moving to France!" I guessed. When we finished eating we went to help Mom put stuff in boxes. I went up to my room and put stuff that I wanted to bring with me in a box. All the fragile things that I wanted to bring like my lamps we put in a bigger box so they don't break. Mom said that the truck drivers were gonna be very careful when driving so that they don't break anything. When I finished packing Mom, Madison and I put all our boxes together. We just talked for a while until the trucks came. We loaded all our boxes into one truck and some bigger boxes and furniture into the other. I was so excited! Before we left I wanted to call Taylor so I asked Mom if I could have a couple minutes and she said yes. I called Taylor.




Hey Maggie(that's my nickname)what's up?

We just loaded everything into the trucks we're about to leave!

OMG!!! Call me or text me when you get to your new house ok?

Ok! Talk to you later!

I hung up and put my phone in my pocket. We got into one of the trucks and set off. I wondered if our new house was far from our old one. Will it be in the same neighbourhood? Or will it be in a completely different country?! I'm so nervous but also excited!

Thx for reading this chapter I hope you liked it! Chapter 3 will be longer and I'll post that tomorrow!!❤

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