Chapter 15

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Megan's POV

Tinus went downstairs to answer the door. All I heard was yelling and then someone running upstairs. The door opened and Mac was standing there. I looked at him sadly then looked away. I'm really not interested in talking to him right now! I really liked him! If he wanted to break up, why couldn't he tell me instead of texting me?! That's what hurts the most, he texted me! I just looked down and fidgeted with my hands. "Megan I didn't-" I cut him off. "I don't wanna hear it!" I was still looking down at my hands. He sat down beside me. I could see him staring at me out of the corner of my eye. I didn't look up. I continued fidgeting with my hands for a second until he grabbed one. I still didn't look up. "Maggie please! Please don't ignore me!" I didn't look up but I said, "I'm not ignoring you! I just don't want to talk to you!" He was quiet. "Maggie..." He said quietly. "Maggie it wasn't me that texted you it was Amethyst a girl from school! She was friends with..." He paused. "Taylor! Where did Taylor go?!" I looked at him worriedly. "Maggie Amethyst hit Taylor with a bat and she blacked out then Amethyst hugged me and she took my phone when she hugged me so I couldn't call anyone and Taylor was unconscious so I carried her to the hospital and then she was ok and we went to Amethyst's house and Taylor punched her and I couldn't believe her so I grabbed my phone and ran off and-" he was talking really fast and tearing up. I felt really bad so I kissed him. He put one arm on my neck and the other around my waist. After about 20 seconds I pulled away and smiled. "I'm sorry." Mac said quietly. "I believe you. And I forgive you." I smiled again. I really like Mac A LOT! I'm not too sure about love, since I'm not even 100% sure what it feels like. I've never liked anyone as much as Mac though. Thinking about this made me forget about the other guy that I shouldn't but might like. Who was he again? "Now let's get Tinus and let's go find Taylor!" The second I said Tinus I was thinking 'Oh no I like both of them!!! What do I do?!' I decided to keep it a secret and tried to forget about it for now. I need to focus on Taylor!! Mac and I got up and ran downstairs.

Marcus's POV

I feel so bad! I got mad at Taylor and now she ran away! It's all my fault! I need her why did I do that to her?! I just couldn't believe that she would do that to someone! I knew she was tough but I also knew that she was friendly! That was not being friendly! That was being a bully, no matter what Amethyst did! I just forgot who she was and I got angry! Megan grabbed my hand and we ran downstairs to get Tinus. He wasn't there! We looked around the house and couldn't find him anywhere! I went to the kitchen and saw a note in the island. It read:

Dear Tinus, Mac, Amber, and Maggie,

I've exposed myself of being who I used to be and I can't live with myself knowing that someone knows that I used to be a bully. So, I've decided to leave and go somewhere new, where no one knows about my past....again.....I'll never forget you guys.

Lots of love,

Tears filled my eyes as I was reading it. Tinus must've ran after her! I looked around for Amber to tell her what happened and she wasn't anywhere either! I guess she went with Tinus. "Megan! I know where Taylor and the others went!" I called. Megan came running and I showed her the note. She started crying. I hugged her as she cried into my shoulder. "Don't cry. We'll find them." I whispered. I could feel her nodding. She let go and wiped her tears away. "They went to the train station." I said. Where else could Taylor have gone to leave here? Megan and I ran towards the train station.

Amber's POV

Martinus and I were eating a snack when he saw a piece of paper on the fridge. He read it and then put it on the counter in front of me so I can read it. "Taylor ran away?!" I yelled. I jumped out of my seat and saw that Tinus was crying! "Don't cry! We'll find her! If she's leaving she's probably at the train station!" I rubbed his arm reassuringly. I have him a quick hug and we ran towards the train station. I left the note on the island. I'm sure Mac and Maggie will see it.

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