I knew that voice anywhere. I turn around, and I see Nicole's small frame. 

"Get off of me now, Nicole."

"What is this." She holds up a picture of Damon kissing me. With the way he has his hand by my neck, it looks like a gentle touch. Along with my arm. My face looks so happy. 

What the hell? I am sure as hell, that I was not happy. 

"I tried pushing him away, but he had a grip on me."

"Bullshit." I just roll my eyes. 

"No. Not bullshit. Don't start shit you didn't even witness in person. Now back off."

"You know. I thought something was fishy between you two. Damon doesn't go for just anyone." Nicole says.

"You mean, he only goes for whores like you?"

"You are such a bitch. You think that since you're new here. You can do whatever you want. You think you can change what was. But you can't. Because you're not special. You're just some Junior who doesn't know how to keep her damn mouth to herself."

In that moment. That's when I pushed back. I slammed her into the lockers right next to where I was.

"Okay Ms Prissy. Believe whatever you want. But you know what? At least I don't walk around this school, fucking people to get better grades, looking like a slut, and pushing people around to make myself feel better." I grab and hold up the picture of Damon and I kissing, "This was just a scam. HE wouldn't leave ME alone. Then HE kissed ME." I let go and walk away. Punching a locker on my way out.

"Blake. I'm so sorry. I didn't even know someone was there." Damon runs up to me, as he sees me walk out. I turn around, and punch him right in the jaw.

"I came to this school because I had to. We had to get away from my father. I did not come here to get pushed around some more. How dare you lie to me over and over again. Don't expect me t play nice." I drop my skateboard and head home.


I skipped school for the rest of the day, and just lay in bed. Thinking about Damon.

It actually kinda hurt me. He lied straight to my face about the picture. He lied about being sorry. He lied about wanting all of this to end. It's only been a couple of days and this has gone from level 0 to 100 really quick. 

I hear the front door open and close, then footsteps coming up the stairs.

"Why are you skipping school, young lady?" My mom bursts through my door, and starts yelling right away.

"Maybe because school is fucking retarted and shouldn't even be a thing. Maybe students shouldn't be such assholes, and people might start liking school more." She sighs.

"You know you can talk to me about things right?" I shake my head.

"No I can't. We used to be there for each other because of the shitty excuse of a father. Then he disappeared, and it's like part of you disappeared too. The good part. You get pissed off easily. You make things awkward between us. You're always working. You never make time for me. Now please get out of my room, unless you actually decide to be the mom you used to be. I did not have a good day, and I don't need you to lecture me on things I already know." I stay laying on my bed, looking up at the ceiling.

"Maybe if you were an actual good child, I would be a better mother. Did you think about that?" She slammed my door shut. I sighed heavily, grab only my phone and walk out.

"Where do you think you're going?" She asks, as I walk down the hallway. I ignore her and go straight to the beach. 

I can't seem to do anything right. I thought. I didn't realized I changed, but my mom changed to. My past is what made me who I am now. I don't care, or many feelings about things, because if I did, it would have cost me. 

I take deep breaths to try and calm myself. But it's not helping. I start crying my eyes out, and start punching the sand. I start screaming "WHY ME. WHAT DID I EVER DO TO DESERVE THIS."

Some grabbed my arms, and wrapped around me. Preventing of doing anything else.

"Shhh. It's okay." I recognize the voice. Damon. Who else? He rocks us side to side, whispering soothing words and calming me down.

Once I'm calmed down, Damon stands up, and helps me up.

"What are you doing here." I say.

"I actually use this spot to think sometimes also. I have been for years." 

"Oh. Well. I'm sorry you had to see and deal with my melt down. But thanks for calming me down." I start to walk away before it gets any more awkward, but he stops me. I look up at him.

"I actually am sorry Blake. I know you may not believe me, but. I'm just sorry." I just nod and walk away. 

I don't understand anything right now. So much has happened today, and I just need to sleep it off. 

Yeah... that should work.

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