He was being selfish at that time, leaving his wife behind in the time of need, but in his defense, he was not in the right state of mind.

And when he returned back two years later, he had not brought home any treasure or spices; but what he did bring back, changed their lives forever...

Anne found the daughter she had lost and so did he.

That was thirteen years ago.
And now, he had only Saya left to him.

Anne gave up her life, with a positively happy sigh, being content to die in the arms of her daughter whereas he was definitely close to his own end.

As if to emphasise the point, a violent fit of coughs overtook him.

He quickly covered his mouth with the white serviette lying on the table, in an attempt to muffle the noise so that it did not reach his daughter.

After about three minutes, he plopped down on his chair, exhausted and removed the serviette, which was by this time blotched with patches of red blood.

Lord Bradford's mind got greatly exercised at this. He glanced at the portrait of his wife across the room.
"I do not have much time left, Anne. I have to do something soon..."

That afternoon, Lord Bradford arranged for his carriage and exited the estate in a hurry.

Saya, who was preparing her latest art-piece, was the only one who could sense the worry in his hurried steps as she gazed at him from the window of her chambers.


The Royal Palace;

"Octavius, to what do I owe the pleasure of this meeting?"
King Henry grinned widely as the guard admitted a very restless looking Lord Bradford, his dear friend, inside the relaxing chambers.

Lord Bradford bowed lowly before the king, a smile gracing his lips despite the chaos of his thoughts.

"No need for all the formalities, Octavius. They are for my subjects not for old friends."

The king stood up from his chair and came to stand in front of him, putting a hand on his shoulder.
Lord Bradford straightened up, his face eloquent of his anxiety.

"I needed your assistance in a matter of utmost importance, Your Highness."
He spoke, sitting on the chair as guided by the king.

King Henry picked up the half-finished glass of wine and motioned for Lord Bradford to continue, his white eyebrows frowning in anticipation.

"I-I am getting old, Your Highness"
Lord Bradford started in a distressed tone.

King Henry chuckled deeply.
"I can see that, Octavius. Though, by your statement you are implying that I too am getting old; considering that we have been born the same year."

Lord Bradford smiled, shaking his head.
"Of course not, Your Highness. Your matter is different. You are still as vigorous as always. As for me, I am afraid I don't have much time left."
His voice had turned sober.

King Henry put down his glass and frowned.
"What is the meaning of this?"

"I am dying, Your Highness- from consumption."
Lord Bradford spoke with a straight face, the dreadful word finally coming out of his mouth.

"Gracious Lord!"
King Henry exclaimed pushing his hand through his whitening hair.

"You came after all this time to inform me of your impending death! This-this is ridiculous-"

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