Regrets and Consequences

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"Are you still upset about that girl, son?" My father asked.

"Don't be ridiculous, Dad. I'm over her." I replied through a mouthful of toast.

"Well, just in case you aren't, I made a memory erasing ray. It gets rid of whatever you program in it from your mind, and replaces it with cute pictures of cats. I call it The Eye Bleach Ray!" He totally just came up with that because he discovered r/eyebleach. Not that I'm gonna point that out to him... It was very small, portable, and shaped like a stereotypical ray gun.

"Ok, well thanks, but I'm not sure I'm gonna need that." I sighed, pocketing it in my trench coat.

"Just don't use it too much, son! It might turn you into a crazy cat man!" He added as I left. I rolled my eyes.

Like I'd do that. I'd be a sneezing mess all my life.

Unless that's an effective way to get over a pet allergy... I wonder.


Seventh period again. It never got any worse. Her acting like I didn't exist. Like my feelings were nonexistent. I hated it. It made me feel insignificant.

But today, it was about to get worse. See, we had been forced to work together on a project, despite my negotiations, pleas, bribes, and threats. Today we were presenting, and I had a feeling this wasn't going to end well.

"You have our project done?" She asked, an unamused look on her face.

"You mean my project?" I retorted. "I'm not letting you take credit for bumming around and leaving me to write a ten page essay and to memorize a five minute speech."

"Well, I thought you were so happy kissing my feet that you would do anything!" She replied.

I got up from my chair, and headed towards the teacher. Elizabeth put her foot in the aisle, attempting to make me trip over her foot. I stepped over it. I wasn't falling for that childish of a trick.

"Snitch!" She yelled after me as I discussed my situation with the teacher. The teacher wouldn't listen, of course, and that is when I remembered what was in my pocket.

I sat back down, ignoring what Elizabeth was saying, and getting the ray set up.

"Dib, Elizabeth, please get up in front of the class and present your speech."

I got up and gave the best speech I could, then headed for my seat. While heading there, I pointed the gun, which was concealed in my hand, at Elizabeth. She got a peculiar look on her face, then asked what my name was. Success.

I told her it was Dib, and that was the last time we ever spoke to each other.

But then I felt regret flood through me. Why did I do this?

I got a text from Zim.

I've got a confession to make-Z

At least I'm not alone in this. I texted him back.

Me too-D


"It's funny how all of this keeps happening. We both fell for a girl, got our hearts broken, tried to kill ourselves, fell in love with the one we least expected to, and did things we regret." I mused.

"I know. It's like living poetry." Zim pondered through a spoonful of ice cream.

"Oh no... You're not gonna start doing that art hipster thing again are you?" I groaned. That was a catastrophe.

Zim cackled. "No, silly Dib. That was horrible."

"Yes, it was..."

Sighing blissfully, I laid my head on Zim's shoulder. This was paradise. Zim carefully lifted my head from his shoulder, and pulled me off his couch.

"I hope this isn't going too fast, but, " Zim stopped, taking a breath.

"Today I realized something very important. What we've got here, this chemistry, it's beautiful. Despite being each other's enemy, despite our conflicting hopes and dreams, we can get along so well. You get me, Dib. You get me. I don't want to screw this up. So, if it is ok with you, and if you're ready for it..."

My heart was going to explode all over Zim's house's walls. I know exactly what he's going to ask me, and I'm ok with that. No, scratch that. I want that. So bad.

Zim got down on one knee, holding out a steampunk inspired band. "This is how the humans do it, right? Dib Membrane, the most amazing human in the world, would you let me have the honor of being your husband?"

A tear tried to escape my eyes, but I didn't let it happen. I needed to keep my cool. If I had any, that is.

"Only if you'll do me the honor of being yours." I replied. "I don't have a ring or anything, but I promise I'll make you one."

He put the ring onto my finger, and hugged my tightly.

"I love you, Zim."

"I love you too, Dib."

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