Prologue D

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Highskool was a rollercoaster. It had its highs, and its lows. It went by so fast, and left me wanting more. At times it was frightening, but over all, it was exciting.

The actual education itself, the book knowledge, the assignments, and tests, were quite honestly, unimportant. Sure, I learned a lot of things, and left with lots of knowledge in my back pocket. But not all of it was stuff you learn from a book. If that was all skool was for, my father would have been OK with homeschooling me, or enrolling me in online school. But he ignored my desperate pleas, and enrolled me in our local public highschool. Something I wouldn't come to appreciate until I had left that building, diploma in hand, my future in view.

For, as my father would constantly remind me, highskool was a place of new starts. A chance to write a new story for yourself. A chance to meet new people, try new things, and truly find yourself.

Boy did I screw that up.

But I should really shut up before I spoil everything. After all, you don't know what happened. You're just beginning to learn of my story. Your mind is like a new sponge. It will soak in all I tell you in the beginning, and make its assumptions about how things are going to happen. I don't want to give you the wrong idea about what happens. Nor, for that matter, do I want to clue you in to what will happen.

So instead, I invite you to listen close, and make your own opinion of all that happened to me. It may be better, or worse than I thought. That's to you to decide.

Are you ready to join me on this adventure?

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