Crossing the Line

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And so, Dib and I quarreled like this for a month. He would do something to me, I would do something back, causing him to get revenge, and so on. One day, however, I think we both took it too far.

You see, I had come up with the best idea to ruin Dibs life. He had tried for so many years, so long, to reveal my identity to the world, that I thought it was time he got a taste of his own medicine.

I snuck into his house, syringe in hand. Inside the syringe was a formula I had just come up with that would turn someone into an Irken for a day. Just one day. That's all I wanted. I didn't want it to be permanent or anything. I'm not that mean.

Dib didn't know that, however. The pain must have woken him up from his sleep, and I couldn't get any of it in him. I dropped the syringe in shock, and it shattered on the ground.

Dib sleepily put on his glasses, and when he saw me, standing there frozen in shock, surrounded in shattered bits of glass and puddles of formula, he became enraged.

"What the hell? You did something to me, didn't you, Zim?" He muttered.

"No! Zim didn't do anything!" I defended.

Dib glared down at the floor. "Then why are there pieces of glass on the floor?" He roared.

"I can explain!" I cried.

"I don't wanna hear your lies!" He grabbed me by the shoulders, yelling in my face. Honestly, at this point, I'm surprised his sister or dad didn't get up. Probably just were too used to things like this, or just didn't care.

Anyways, instinct kicked in, and I kicked him in the gut. He dropped me, and I released my Pak legs, narrowly hitting my head on a dresser. I tried to flee through the window, but Dib grabbed one of my Pak legs, pulling me back in. I then jumped out the window, and we both fell to the ground. I caught myself in time, and grabbed Dib, placing him carefully on the ground. He didn't seem to notice my merciful act, and pulled me up to him by my Pak legs. I tried to run away, but he held me just high enough that I was immobilized.

I bit his arm, and he released his grip. "Dib, please understand, I didn't actually do anything. It wouldn't have lasted more than a day anyways!" I cried.

That's when he did it. He jumped on me, tackling me to the ground. He pinned me face down, and pulled on my Pak.

"Please! Have mercy on me, Dib!" I cried. He ignored my pleas, and ripped it from my back. The ten minute timer appeared in my eyes.

Thankfully, the force from pulling out my Pak knocked Dib over. My Pak reattached itself to me, and the timer disappeared. I grabbed Dib by the shirt.

"You know exactly what happens when my Pak is removed." I spat. "I thought we had an unspoken deal to never go so far as to purposefully kill each other. You crossed the line, Dib."

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