Damien gave me one more lick and sat up, pulling his shirt off and slipping his pants and boxers off.

" Aundreya, please, please let me fuck you," he pleaded.

" please fuck me," I whispered.

He grinned hugely, and positioned himself at my entrance, quickly. Someone must be excited. I thought.

" ready?" he asked. I nodded and sighed in pleasure.

Then he pushed forward and with one quick motion, he was inside me.

My hands made two fistfuls of the sheets, and I moaned. It didn't hurt at all and It felt so much better than his tongue.

He pulled out, and thrust into me again, building a steady rhythm.

He must be pretty big, because it felt like he was going so deep I could feel him in my stomach.

" harder Damien," I asked as I dug my fingernails into his back.

He pulled out of me for a split second so he could flip me over and do me doggy style.

He pounded me so hard that im sure if I was human, he would have broken a few bones.

" fuuuuuckk," he moaned. That made me even more horny if that was possible. His moans were sexy as hell.

He and I were both close to finishing, and he noticed this, and went faster, until eventually it felt like he was going as fast as the speed of light.

I was breathing heavily, and so was he.

" oh god," he moaned just before he hit his climax.

And after one more thrust..

" DAMIIIEEEEENNNNNNNNN!!" I screamed his name in absolute pleasure, as I felt him c*m too with a sexy little grunt, and the feeling of his hot load inside of me.

He fell on the bed beside me panting as I turned back over and cuddled up to his naked sweaty body.

" my god that was fucking amazing." he whispered.

" you're telling me," I responded.

He chuckled. " I love you so much," he said and leaned down to kiss me.

" mmm now time to sleep," he whispered as he pulled me close and closed his eyes.

I sighed in content and closed my eyes also.

Wow. I just had sex with Damien.. Oh my god. Go Aundreya! I wanted to do it again and again... Maybe all day everyday..

Oh god Drey.. Just sleep.

And I did just what I told myself to do. Sleep.


The next morning, you'll never Guess what I woke up too.

It wasn't pleasant at all.


100 comments? LOL just kidding. I was going to stop here but felt like writing more :p


All the guys stood in my room. Smirking their faces off.

" oh my god!" I yelled and threw my pillow at Jayson.

That woke Damien and he sat up and looked at me weirdly, "wha-"

He stopped short as he noticed the boys in my room.

He groaned. " seriously guys?"

They all chuckled. And just then, I noticed that Luke wasn't in the room.. He must have not wanted to see me and his brother like this ..

" we could hear you guys all night, " Jake said, smirking.

" oh no," I whispered as I fell back onto my bed and pulled the covers over my head to try and hide myself from the embarrassment.

Damien laughed. " yeah... She was really loud." I could hear the smirk in his voice. And then he said, " it must have been because I'm so good in bed, "

I reached out of the blanket and slapped him in the back of the head. " shut up! You were moaning loud too!" I said, in annoyance.

He chuckled and wrapped his arms around me under the blanket.

" Oh baby please touch me,"

" Fuck yeah baby don't stop,"

" harder Damien,"

The guys kept chanting. I felt like I could die of embarrassment.

Damien just kept laughing like it was the funniest thing in the world.

Eventually I pulled the covers off my head, making some of my hair fall in my face and i sat up as I yelled one word. " out!"

They were all laughing as they walked out of my room.

I sighed and fell back on my bed.

Damien cuddled up beside me. " last night really was amazing, love,"

I smiled when he called me love. He hasn't called me that in a while. I have always adored it when he called me that.

" oh, it definitely was the best night of my life. But mostly because it was with you," I whispered the last sentence.

" you're too cute baby," he said, then kissed me.

" Aundreya, we need to talk. Its really important." a deep, husky voice said from the doorway.

I looked over and saw Lucas standing at the door, his left arm rubbing the back of his neck, he looked very uncomfortable.

Then I noticed he was crying..



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