8. Meet the Brooks' (+ Introducing the Characters)

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"Come down at 6 for dinner. Make sure to freshen up first." The lady said after barging in the room. She smiled and boy it was one of the loveliest smiles i've ever seen! She looked so familiar but just like the man who kidnapped us, I couldn't remember her.

After giving me instructions, she left abruptly, giving me zero chance of asking questions like:

Where are my friends?

Where am I?

What do you want from me? From us?

Who are you?

Though i'm getting a feeling that this is somehow connected to my Dad. Cause why would somebody just randomly kidnap me and my friends on the same day that I tried to leave? Coincidence? I don't think so. I'm surprised it's not Hugh that's doing this but I bet my life they are on the same team.

I reached for my phone in my pocket hoping they didn't confiscate it to see what time it is and with the hope i'll get even just a bar of signal. It's weird to think that this room is absolutely spacious but there is no clock. Though I like the minimalistic vibe, they seriously should have put more essentials like a clock or a mirror.

As I pressed the power button,  the screen lit up and the time reads 5:03pm and to my surprise there were 3 bars of signal! How did that happen? I don't know either. The first thing that came up to my mind was, I can call the police! But then, I don't have an idea where this place is and if I called and I couldn't tell them where I am exactly, they might think i'm doing a prank or something that dumb kids do.

As I was arguing with myself if I should make the call or not, I received a message from an unknown number. I read it slowly.

Hi Serena. This is Hugh White. I went to your house but you weren't home. I was wondering if we could have a coffee at the café downtown? Your dad wants to meet you. Please reply asap.

Before I could even register what I just read, the door swung open and again the same lady came in.

"I forgot one thing" she smiled as she gently pulled my phone away from my hand. She wore a very friendly smile while she is taking my phone from me. It's not even a "give me the phone while i'm still calm and friendly" smile, it was more of an "I'm sorry but I have to take this" kind of smile. I froze where I stood. There is no way on earth that she came just on time to take my phone from me unless she is watching me from a camera somewhere in this room.

Am I being watched? For sure I am.

After putting my phone in her pocket, she said "Oh, and there are clothes in the closet. The dresser is empty so don't mind looking in there. This door right here" she pointed to the left corner of the room, "is the bathroom. Make sure to come down at 6 okay?" and she smiled again then left, closing the door behind her. Her tone is motherly sweet and her smile is so warm that it could almost make me forget how weird this situation is, how weird this place is and why am I being watched with probably a small camera somewhere, how weird that she already prepared clothes for me in the closet, how weird that she is nice to me and she didn't even tell me her name. Almost.

"I'm surprised it's not Hugh that's doing this but I bet my life they are on the same team."

My own thoughts haunted my mind for a second. If I had bet my life for real, I would have been dead by now. Now I realized that they are not on the same team. Did they save me from my Dad? For a split second, a slight hope flashed through my mind.

My Dad is A Serial Killer (ON HOLD)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin