6. Danger

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"Why is he following you if you asked him for 3 days to think about it?" Johann asked while looking at Chase who is now stomping his way to the black car.

"I don't know" I replied. "What is he gonna do there we are so gonna get caught." My heart was racing as I said those words.


I knocked on the car's window but the owner, probably that Hugh guy, won't roll it down. The glass is heavily tinted so I couldn't see who's inside.

I knocked again impatiently and this time he unlocked the car instead of opening the window. I opened up the door immediately after I sensed it's what he wants me to do. The door swung open in front of me and the face of the driver was revealed. Instead of Hugh, a middle aged man in a gray v-neck t-shirt and faded blue jeans, whose eyes reminds me of someone familiar, is the one sitting in the driver's seat.

"Get in." he said with a blank stare.

I didn't like how he ordered me but I found myself stepping in his car. This must be the dumbest thing to do but I do go by the saying 'Go big or Go home'. I'm always going big.

"Why are you following us?" Without further ado, I went straight to the point. He looked at me wearing a suspicious grin.

"Didn't your parents tell you not to talk to strangers or not to go inside a stranger's car?" He said as he locked the doors. "I guess you are wishing for your own death."

Before I could even react, he suddenly injected me something. I wanted to fight and I kept kicking but i'm slowly losing my energy.

"H-elp.." I got to say before he ended me with a strong punch.


"Where are they going? Why isn't he coming out?" I began panicking when the black car started to drive away.

"What the fuck! He made everything worse!" he said angrily while starting the car. "Why did he have to go out!"

"Just follow them!" I replied, raising my voice a little bit mostly because of the pressure and frustration. As if we could undo what happened if he keeps blaming Chase who i'm sure just wanted to help.

Looking on the road, the black car was going so fast; overtaking every single car that gets on his way. We had just been ticketed and now we have to drive like a madman. This is so far from what I pictured happening. Now i'm beginning to regret why I tried to run away. I'm already putting my friend's lives in danger.

"Where is this psycho going!?" he sounded so confused and frustrated while following the black car that's making its way to the dirt road. The dirt road leads to a forest where news about murders took place.

"We should probably call the cops by now." I said while finding my phone in my purse. Johann was still following the car and we are already going deep into the forest.

"Shit!" My heart started to palpitate and tears began forming on my eyes. I turned the airplane mode on and off and it's not helping. There is no signal.

"What's wrong?" Johann started to wonder cause I looked so damn hopeless.

"My phone doesn't have a signal" I said slowly, knowing it will upset him more. He asked me to check his phone and it's the same.

"We have to go back and tell the police." I gave up hoping we could contact anyone to help us. The black car is still running and it's already so deep in the forest. Thank God it's summer and the trees have leaves and flowers are in full bloom that makes the surrounding less creepy; though I still can't ignore the fact that people were murdered here.

"We've gone too far to look back now. Check below the carseat, I hid a gun there." He replied.

"You have a gun?" It was definitely something that caught my attention first.

"Yes." His eyes still focused on the road.

"Why what is it for?"

"Guys don't need a reason to have guns Serena. Get it now we are almost low on gasoline we have to stop him."

I quickly did what he said. While tapping beneath, I touched a cold hard thing. This must be the gun. I grabbed it and in my hand lies a 45 caliber gun. This is the first time I ever held a gun and i'm a little bit anxious. When I think of a gun, I think of blood and death and I don't like neither of those things even if my dad does.

"Now, I want you to shoot his tires." He said calmly cause he knows it's something that I wouldn't be willing to do.

I turned to him in shock. "What?!" I raised my voice a little. I'm already shocked that I ever held a gun and now he wants me to shoot a car that carries our friend?

"Well you can't drive and we have to keep running because if we stop the car and try to shoot his tires then it will be impossible. He is driving so fast and I can't get a hold of him. You have to do it Serena otherwise we will lose Chase." I was even more shocked when I noticed that he suddenly sounded so empathetic and concerned. I didn't know he could still care for Chase that way but he is definitely trying his best not to lose him. I could see that there's still a part of him that cares for Chase. That made me smile.

"Why are you smiling?" Johann asked while glancing at me.

"Uh... Nothing. Okay i'll do it." I said with confidence.

He looked like he still wanted to press on but he didn't. "Ok you must do it now." he said.

"But what if I hit Chase? I don't know how to shoot. What if it goes somewhere else instead of the tires?"

"Just think about Chase while shooting. Your goal is to save him. You must hit the right spot."

"Okay," I calmed down a little bit. I rolled down the window and I made him cock the gun before I stood up and slowly pushed half of my body outside of the window. My hands trembled as I aimed at the tires.


I didn't hit anything. It landed on the road.

"It's okay, hit again" Johann cheered on while trying to speed up the car to get a little closer to the black car.


This time it landed on the plate number. My hands shake and I feel so anxious. What if I never save Chase?


I shot the last bullet with my eyes closed, hoping that I saved my friend's precious life.

Wooh! What an intense Chapter! :p
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