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that friday night, troye was at sophy's watching a movie, and they started to make out on the couch.

troye was just doing it thinking,

"when is this gonna be over? i'm so bored."

"but isn't kissing supposed to be fun? why aren't i enjoying this? i don't understand."

sophy noticed something was wrong.

"are you okay?" she asked

"yeah, i just don't feel well," troye said.

"oh, i'm sorry. do you need anything?" she asked. she's nice.

"yeah, do you have any headache medicine?"

"yeah, i'll go get some," she said, getting up.

while she was gone, troye sat there, deep in thought. then everything clicked.

he'd never felt any romantic or sexual attraction to girls, as long as he could remember.

he'd only felt them for boys, but he didn't recognize that until now.

troye got up from his seat and ran out the door, he texted something to sophy about having an emergency and having to leave.

he got home and went up to his room, and sat on his bed.

"if i don't like girls... and i never have..." troye said to himself. "and i feel something for boys..."

he couldn't say it. he couldn't.

"quit being a wuss!"

he took a deep breath.

"that means, i'm gay."

a huge burden lifted off of troye's shoulders.

"i'm gay!" he said more confidently.

he had to tell someone.

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