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jacob had a heart of gold. he loved to help people, and when he cared about someone or something, he cared a whole lot. he was a good kid. he was dedicated. he worked and he went to school, to study english and he helped his mom and stayed out of trouble.

jacob had been in love once. a while ago, a couple of years. he loved that boy so much, but that love was never reciprocated. it broke his heart, and he was scared to fall in love again.

jacob never knew why he was dating jordan. he didn't even like him that much, and he was annoying. maybe he was only dating him to try and get the boy with blue eyes off his mind.

he liked troye, a lot, as a person. and jacob could feel himself falling all over again. no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get the baby haired boy with eyes that reflected the sky off his mind. he was entirely infatuated.

jacob knew. he knew the truth about troye, before troye even knew the truth about himself.

jacob knew better than to just take advantage of troye when he was like this. he'd gone through that before.

but when jacob thought of troye, his hands would sweat, and his heartbeat would quicken. he'd also been through this before, and he was scared.

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