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Marinette never considered herself the best dancer in her class despite what her best friend, Alya, tells her. But still, she was way better then their elite dance school principal's daughter, Chloe. Of course she would never become a better dancer by sleeping in, which her mother continuously reminder the bluenette teen.

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Her alarm clock's annoying beeping was anything but helpful for getting out if bed. Only when she moved her head out from under her pillow to turn it off did Marinette realize just how many times she hit her snooze button and just how late foe class she was.

"Oh no no no no no! I'm so so late!" She teenage practically jumped from her raised bed and rushed around her room, tripping over little objects like shoes and the occasional chair, as she pulled on her dance tights and leotard followed by her fabric shorts and black flats she wears over top when she's going back and forth between *name of french dance school here because I'm too lazy to come up with one so I'll just add it in later when I find time to sit down and come up with names* and her parent's bakery. She tossed her ballet shoes and phone into the already prepacked dance bag and slung it over her shoulder. Marinette rushed down the stairs and into her kitchen where she grabbed her bottle of water and a fresh baked croissant– courtesy or her father– before quickly kissing her parents on the cheek as a good bye and ran out the door before she was forced to sit and have a proper breakfast.

Marinette figured that since she missed the subway that stops right outside her dance school that it would be best to go on foot seeing waiting for a taxi, bus, or the next train would make her even more late. Luckily she didn't live to terribly far away for the oh so prestigious academy.


Adrien always hung out in the basement of the dance academy that was dedicated to only the finest dances (ballet, ball room dancing, and jazz basically) his father owned. Since he did have a key and a spare that he gave to his best friend Nino, it was a no-brainer that he allowed Nino to start a secret dance club down there where all the outcast dances and dancers could go and dance or compete. He enjoyed the music that wasn't slow and sophisticated that made him wear tights or over the top clothing. Although his costume did resemble a black cat and the hood had ears that glowed in the dark club was besides the point.

"Dude, you need to come check out my champion dancer, Chat Noir. He's crazy cool!" Nino exclaimed to his best friend before the "official opening time." Adrien shook his head at his overly stoke best friend, completing it with an eye roll.

"Wish I could but if Father even finds out that I know about all this," the blond boy gestured to the room they created, "let alone help make it, I would never be allowed to step foot outside the mansion again." The dark haired boy nodded in understanding. Adrien's dad has always been a push over, never liked anything fun or too exciting. Hence why only ballet, jazz, and ball room dancing were allowed at his school.

"I just wish you could see him in person. He's such an incredible dancer! And the way he incorporates other dances like ballet and hip hop in his break dancing, oh you'd love it man." There was a knock on the door leading up to the back storage closet full of costumes, props, and whatever else could be found which help hides one of the two basement doors. Nino and Adrien shared a look which Nino then smiled at. "Go dude. We don't want you getting caught."

Adrien was grateful to his friend as he left through the other door that they used for emergency dismissal and sneaking in to open said club. He took one last look at his best friend who was putting on his "mask" that was really just an excess of blue eye shadow mixed with face paint before answering the door.

Don't Stop Dancing • Miraculous Breakdance/Ballet AUWhere stories live. Discover now