Chapter Thirteen

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"Now thinking about it, this wasn't one of my brightest ideas..."

"Awh! Is Danny-boy scared of heights?" I coo, everything the guy could be afraid of and he was scared of heights! Now that is really something.

"No, I'm no-," just before he could finish his obvious lie, he was cut off by the basket we were in jolting to the side by a small gust of wind. Sure enough his knuckles had turned multiple shades lighter, they were now sporting a white, whilst he clutched the side refusing to let go.

I stifled my laugh trying not to let my amusement get the best of me, it was clear he was embarrassed, but his face was a sight!

"Y-you look constipated!" It was all too much, I found myself laughing so hard I was the one needing the toilet.

"Just shut up and be thankful I did something this extravagant for you,"

"You sure are something Dan" I smile and turn to watch the view as we got higher and higher.

The once far-stretched, clear fields were a mixture of different shades of green. The sky contrasting against the ground as the balloon kept us floating in the air.

I wasn't one to be afraid of heights, but it sure was scary knowing that only a massive balloon was keeping us up. However, the view kept all thoughts of me dying out of my mind as I experienced it with a guy I never thought I'd ever get a chance to speak to.

I felt lucky to be able to stand next to Dan whilst the scenery got smaller and smaller beneath us, not resisting the urge anymore I took a step closer to Dan. Refusing to stop there I enveloped his hand in mine. Our hands contrasted together- his were warm, not what I had expected, but not clammy; mine were cold.

There were no sparks or fuzzy feelings in my stomach that romance novels suggested, there were no fireworks of such that happened in the background at the end of movies when the main characters finally got together. I don't know what I had been expecting from such a small gesture, but I was glad it didn't happen.


After about an hour we were back on dry land, able to walk around and stretch from being in the cramped basket. I have to say, I wasn't expecting Dan to go all out like he has. Sure, this was a pretty weird 'date', but you couldn't say it wasn't fun and it was nowhere near boring.

"I would've never thought, Danny-boy! Today's been fun," I smirk at his expression of annoyance at my nickname.

"Yeah, well I'm regretting that decision right about now" he mumbles, "and why is that?" He looks back up at me, a rumbling feeling setting in the pit of my stomach. His eyes glint with mischief, "because now I won't be able to keep my eyes, or hands off of you."

Can he get anymore sexy?

It wasn't the fact that he'd just payed me a compliment, it was more so how he did it. He had that knowing smirk plastered over his obnoxious face with his voice raspy and masculine.

If I didn't know how to control myself I would've taken him right then and there, in the middle of a field or not.

"I suggest you quit making comments like that, or I won't be held responsible for the consequences"

"I like the sound of that Maisie Samson"


This is a super short chapter! I'm sorry! But I wanted to update and I felt like I didn't need to add much more because this was enough.

They're finally showing emotions towards each other, other than the sarcastic comments!

I'm writing the 14th chapter right now so hopefully soon it'll be up!

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