Chapter 20

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Hah! I was only bluffing. Why would I want him to lose the championship he work so hard practicing for.

It really surprised me how Jimin didn’t see past my bluff. I only said it because I knew the championship meant the world to him. I guess, I was hoping that he would lose and I would immediately say that I was kidding.

But I guess not everyone had the same kind of thought as I was. Not everyone gets the fairy tale kind of story.


That small word was like a blow to the head. In fact, I literally took a step back.

Jimin glared at me and shook his head, “Fuck that, I’m not going to lose the championship, to prove myself to you, Cherry. It’s your choice whether you want to believe or not.

I gasped. Is this how this going to end?

Boy, did I feel pathetic.

“Okay.” I said softly, looking down at my feet, “ I guess we both know where we stand then.”

“You know, if you loved me back, you wouldn’t have me to choose.” He scoffed.

I was just kidding. Fine, if that what he thought.

I narrowed my eyes at him, “Goodbye, Jimin.” I spatted.

“Fine, whatever.” He said as I retreated.

It was only then that I let my tears streamed down my face, because there was nothing I would like more than him to come after me.

But distance between us only grew further and further apart. Jimin had given up and I had no choice but to keep going. Because every girl knows, if the guy didn’t bother to come after you, you keep walking.

I met with Namjoon at the seats provided. He looked concerned as he saw my face with a tears stain. I just shook my head and he offered me a hug. We stayed like that for a while, and I was more than thankful when he didn’t asked any question.

I wiped away the remaining tears, just the final announcement went off, signaling the championship were about to begin.

All too soon, the championship started.

“Ladies and gentleman! I welcome you as we gather here today for the 22th Annual Singing Championship!” The MC roared, causing the crowd to go absolutely insane. I was seated with the boys at the waiting area for their turn to sing.

When the group performance round started, I sat alone. But after the boys finished their performance, they took a seat next to mine. Jimin avoided eye contact with me all the time.


The boys already completed their performance in group, and to say it was good, it wasn’t.

It was beyond good, it was spectacularly great. They’re performing Blood, Sweat and Tears and it had become my new favorite. Their dance was just so dope and lit, I’m speechless.

Then the solo battle came after. As the shows goes on, many competitor already performed, its either their own song or they’re doing a cover. Then comes Jimin turns after Jungkook and Taehyung’s.

“The title of Solo King of the 22th Annual Singing Championship are what our contestants are fighting for, so give it up for the last contestant The Jiminicious”

The boys were all seated next to me after their performance, all stood up for a standing ovation and I mimicked their actions as Jimin ran through the entrance doors, with open arms, confidence radiating all over him.

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