Chapter 12

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Jimin's POV

beep beep beep

I grunts incoherently in response, then turned off the alarm. I turned around to the left and saw Cherry sleeping peacefully. As I tried to take a quick shower, Cherry's arms starts to move frantically.

"No no no. Oppa please don't leave me. Jongsuk-ah! " Cherry whimpered. Panicked I jump to her side and began to shake her arms to wake her up.

"Chers ! Wake up! Wake up! "

She jolted awake, gasping for breath and blankly stares at the boring white wall. She then started to shake and cried louder. She finally lose it. I held her in my embrace despite her protest to calm her.

"Stop fighting me. Chers, look at me. It was just a dream. I'm here. I'm not going anywhere. " I said to calm her. I starred her back while she starred me to calm herself. Man, how can someone be this beautiful.

She eventually began to relax and tightening her grip on my cloths. She then rested her head on my chest and began sobbing softly. Making my embrace on her even tighter.

I don't know what she dream about but I can only assume that this Jongsuk dude meant a lot to her and someone she care about deeply. I rubbed her back in comforting circle, refusing to leave her side.

Neither of us mention anything about the event that just occurred earlier as we both getting ready for our classes. Soon after she relaxed, she starred me back then pushed me away and headed to the bathroom to clean herself.

After coming out from the bathroom, Cherry laid herself on the bed and starred the ceiling blankly.

I cautiously approached her side of bed.

"I just want you to know that I'm he--" I said only to be cut by Cherry .

"Listen, Jimin. " she starred, looking exhausted. She then averted her gaze from me. 
"Thank you for this morning, really. But I need you to just forget about this."

She stand in front me and let put a soft smile. "I’m going, it almost time for class"

With that, she brushed past me. Somehow this makes me feel a bit sad and empty.

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