Chapter 11

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“Who do like?”

Who do you like? The most commonly asked question in truth or dare. A question people normally asked you to see if you’re interested in anyone or question asked so they can gossip to the rest of the female population there.

And a question where 99 percent of the time you would utter a complete lie.

“None! No one.” I blushed, averting my gaze and concentrating it to the ceiling. Wow, they looked so white and peaceful today.

“You’re terrible liar.” Namjoon said snickering.

“Seeing you blushed at the question, you obviously have a crush. I wonder who’s the lucky guy.” He winked.

The rest of the member chuckled. It was me, Namjoon, Jungkook, Hoseok and Seokjin playing truth or dare.

Taehyung and Jimin are both busy playing video games. Yoongi was peacefully asleep on the couch. Seem likes the dude can sleep anywhere and why was he always so tired?

“I’m not lying!” I looked at them, gaping.

“Sureeeeeee.” Hoseok teased.

“I’m not!”

“Okay, Chers.” He replied sarcastically. I let out a frustrated sigh.

“Look, it doesn’t matter anyway.” I eyed them. “It’s not like he likes me back.” I said softly.

“Likes me back? Sounds like you just confessed your feelings there, Chers.” Seokjin chuckled.

My heartbeat accelerated, “I-- I-”

“Just admit it Chers.” Jungkook cut.

“FINE!” I yelled, “I like Park Jimin! Satisfied?” I glared at the guys in front me.

“Did someone called me?” Jimin said averting his gaze from the video games. I blushed furiously.

“Oh its nothing!” I said to him. Jimin just shrugged and continued his game with Taehyung.

Namjoon and the other guys smiled genuinely, “You’re so cute, Chers.”

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