Chapter 8

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Jimin and me were now inside the detention room after an earful of lecture from the principal about how unethical we are and cleaned ourselves with spare cloth the college holds in case of emergency.

Well. This is awkward.

Jimin can’t stopped staring at me.

Like, really staring at me. Do I have something on my face?  Maybe there's still some paint stain.  Ughh,  whatever.

Oh, and not to mention. All six of his friends were there too. No wonder Minah said these boys have their seats reserved.

One day before, Minah warned me not to be ‘friended’ and associate or even near them as they’re the school ‘bad boy’. I rolled my eyes at the statement. How do I can't associate with him. He is my freaking ROOMMATE. But, now I saw it with my own eyes, I just mentally facepalm myself.

I actually began considering waking up the supervisor. There were a pile full of detention sheets on his desk. And all of the sheets belonged to those ‘bad boys’.

“Well... If it isn’t our little friend, Cherry.” said Hoseok. “What brings you to our hangouts?” he snickered.

It took me a moment to realised he was waiting for my answer.

“We have a paint fight at art class” Jimin simply answered him.

After a moments of silence, all five guys exchange glances and erupted in laughter.

All except one.

Who was by the name Yoongi.

He’s sleeping peacefully on his desk. Whom sent to detention because he slept on all his classes. I wonder what makes him stayed all night, making him didn't get enough sleep.

I just sat there, in my seat, feeling a little humiliated at how pathetic my fight with Jimin was. I should have just shrugged it off, this won't happened if we didn't fight.

Namjoon wiped his tears from too much laughing and chuckled, “You’re cute Cher.” He looked at me, amused.

I glared and rolled my eyes at their sense of humor. How was that funny. I just have a paint fight with Jimin. Its not funny at all.

“Aww. Just when I thought she couldn’t get any cuter, she glared at us.” Namjoon said to Jimin while nudging Jimin’s elbow.

I glared again at Namjoon until he put his hands up in defeat.


Never thought I would said this but,

detention was fun.

The guys were annoying at first but so amusing to watch. I was so caught up watching their antics, I totally forgot about my detention sheet I had to fill.

“Don’t worry about them, he won’t care.” Seokjin turned his head towards the supervisor who was still sleeping. Talk about disciplining the students. I huffed at that thought.

“Does he always take a nap?” I asked Seokjin.

“He just became a dad. So there’s a lot of screaming at night. And not the good kind of scream if you know what I mean.” Jungkook interrupted and winked at me.

Seokjin joined him and wriggled his eyebrows.

I rolled my eyes, “Guys”

I founded Jimin staring at me then rolled his eyes when he saw Jungkook winked at me.

A few hours in detention past and we finished our detention.

After we finished our detention, we walked a little further down the corridors and said our goodbyes.

With Jimin next to me.

Because we’re going to same block,

same corridors,

same room.

Drum roll. Cheers. Excited. Note the sarcasm.

Unexpected Roommate | JiminKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat