Murasakibara ~The Creature and I~ Part 2

Start from the beginning

"I would not have become the Court Mage if I am reluctant to be injured in order to help someone," I said bluntly. That is true indeed. If I were to never get hurt during duty, I would not have accepted my fate as a Court Mage.

"Have your grandmother talked to you on this matter?"

"I am sure she was the one who suggested this to me."

"Very well then." It was clear that he was still hesitant on granting me the permission. He knows where I inherited this stubborness from. Both my mother and grandmother have this trait.

"Thank you, father. I shall see you during breakfast, tomorrow.." I bowed respectfully before him, adding that second sentence almost humorously to ease his tense self.


At night fall, I stood at the dungeon cell where Atsushi was held captive. The best knight of Yosen stood closely next to me. Himuro Tatsuya, an incredible knight as well as a caring friend of mine.

"Remember what I have told you, Tatsuya.. If he changes during the Dream Walk, you must order the rest of the knights to cast the Binding Charm," I reminded him. He is the leader and I have full faith in his skills.

"Certainly, milady.." he bowed his head slightly. He slowly lifted his head, staring me down in worry. "Please be careful, (Firstname)."

"I will.."

With that said, I entered through the door and sat in front of the chained Atsushi. I have told him that I would help him remember more about his mother and why he was in the cave. I have not told him about the corpses. Telling someone with no memory of what he did something that horrible would only upset them, complicating the Dream Walking.

I loosened the chains.

He grunted as his arms were finally able to move more freely now. I sat  on the floor and placed my folded cloak on my lap.


"I did something bad, didn't I? That's why I've been chained up and caged here." His voice sounded sad. I looked back at him and gave a small smile.

"We do not for sure yet, Atsushi. Come sit with me," I gestured for him to sit next to me.

He was certainly hesitant. Those violet eyes stared at me for the longest moment yet. Seeing that he would not budge from where he was standing, I sighed.

"I want to help you remember. Let us see if you are a bad person or not.. I will be there with you," I held out my hand to him. "Would you like to see?"

"Will it help me remember my mother too?"

"If that is what you wish to see, yes.."

"Alright then."

He took my hand and sat next to me on the floor.

"Lay down your head on my lap."

He did as told. He kept looking directly into my eyes as he laid there. I put my hand on his head to assure him that it will be alright. His hair was surprisingly soft and silky.

"How are you going to me remember?" he asked with his eyebrows knitted together.

"All you need to do is sleep. I will do the rest.." I answered while continuing to stroke his hair. It was clear that he felt tired. He has been chained to a wall for days.


"Yes.." I lowered my voice into a whisper, easing him into a slumber.

I weaved my fingers through his hair. A glow enveloped my hand as I did so. I casted a healing charm to help him rest easy. His wounds were slowly closing. As his eyes closed, I lowered face closer to his.

"Gates to the Dream Realm, open."

A golden glow enveloped the both of us. I pressed my lips on his forehead and closed my eyes. The aura flowed flowed from my being into his mind through my lips. I blew the last connecting aura out before drifting into a deep sleep myself.

When I opened my eyes once again, all I see were orange flames devouring a forest.



Normal POV

Himuro caught you before your body hit the ground. He slowly shifted your body so that you were laying down on the floor beside Atsushi.

"No wonder my forehead felt hot when you Dream Walked into my dream." He raised an eyebrow and sighed. "I can't have you Dream Walk too much then."

He stared at you as he readied the Binding Charm. He drew a circle on the ground using the salt you gave him. A Binding Charm can be done without a magic circle but, there are also many types. The one you asked him to do is of higher skills. It could drain all his energy if he does not use a magic circle.

When he was done, he turned to see if you were alright. His eyes widened in shock when he saw that you were starting to cough out blood. Both you amd Atsushi were glowing with different coloured auras. Himuro witnessed as the two auras slowly became attracted to each other but, there was a barrier separating them. At that time, Atsushi coughed out blood as well as you seemed to choke for air.

"(Firstname)!" He was about to wake you up but, a strong gust of wind pushed him away, hitting a wall.

He was barely able to maintain his conscious state when an orb of flames trapped both you and Atsushi. It became smaller and smaller until it vanished completely from sight, bringing you and Atsushi along with it.



I'll stop here for now.

This story is longer than I expected. I hope you guys enjoyed this. It's kind of hard to write romantic scenes for fantasy but, I just can't help myself. I just wanted to write fantasy for a change.. Haha..

I'll try to get that romance flaring in the next part. Fingers cross, everybody! Wish me luck.. 😊

See ya!


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