I never thought that i will like someone so much. I still can't believe myself but what to do because now a days my day starts with her and ends with her voice only. She still thinks that i have never seen her but little did she know that i have her picture trapped in my mobile.

 How beautiful she is.!! 

Her voice is that much more pure and peaceful to listen. 

She is so cute at times and do you believe that i still don't know her name. I didn't asked her name after that day, she really wants to make her fantasy come true and i thought to let it be.

I will come in front of her right away when she orders me to, but here she is still in the daze that how come she become friend with a stranger like me.!! 


seriously that's what she thinks. And do you think how i knew that then let me say that she said it herself?

 Yes, she never lies and matured enough to her age, maybe more than that. She is smart, intelligent and always curious to know about what i speak, after listening to me, she literally analysis me and then says me how she thought about my talk and her opinion. But sometimes i really think that she uses her little brain so much. I mean when it is first she speaks a little, but when she gets habituated then she talks so much and questions you a lot.

 Like she is a chalti firthi question bank.!!

You know one day she asked me about my accent, i mean how i manage to talk in hindi so perfectly but then according to her fantasy thing we should-not-reveal any thing, so she said that she will write down all her questions and will ask me after we met. 

How childish.!!

I know that India is a little more conservative when compared to London, but at this generation too who will believe in all these things.

 I mean getting entangled to a person with whom you only talk, but then i heard in India anything can happen as it is incredible. 

For a real example like my homekeeper, Ramesh dada who is about in his sixties has seen his wife's face on his first night. How unbelievable and my chef Sukesh found his soulmate through a wrong number. 

Like this i have heard so many which only makes me think how stupid they were.!!

 And how even i am becoming one of the stupid happily.!!

I mean even i am growing to like her by talking to her only, but mine is just an attraction. That's what i think and i want to be that only. 

But me talking to her on phone is the only way to get to meet her and talk to her. Yes, i know i am being selfish but i have to know her man. My heart desperately wants to know a lot about her.

 To explore her.!!

I have seen her but i don't know her name, she knows my name but she didn't seen me yet. And still we are together.

How weird of both of us.!!

I still didn't let Cabir and Dhruv see her picture. They are big all-time idiots and when i shared her fantasy with them, they laughed the whole day at me and spending their rest of the life teasing me. 

Also, i am quite zoning when i speak to her when i am sitting with these idiots which gave them official right on me to tease. 

In meanwhile I am the only one who is helping Dhruv as Cabir had no time for us apart from his wife. I helped him by booking an exotic restaurants, styling him and he was absolutely correct when he said that he don't know how to talk to girls. Like, that idiot talks to girls like he is talking to his teacher.

So, we made a plan out that when he meets her, he will stay in contact with me by using bluetooth and i will answer to her questions which will eventually come out of Dhruv's mouth.

 I must agree that whoever it is, she is damn intelligent and a bit manipulative where coming to Dhruv only innocence echoes all over.

 But then Cabir said and also proved himself that opposites attract. So, we are going with the flow and trust me that girl will propose him tomorrow or day after tomorrow. That's how much she was smitten by my words alias Dhruv's. I mentally patted myself.

But coming to my case i am all over in an another world like where we talk everything and feel free. Like we talk about politics, relationships, traditions, her law points, society and what not. We even discussed about drugs too. Ultimately the thing i want to say is she is mature and knows on which path she is going. And you know what she did a special course in business so that it can help her in further.

Business with law points, a strong and dangerous combination. Trust me, she will be unstoppable if she steps into the business world.

It's not like we talk all the time maturely, sometimes even we fights and throws our tantrums on each others.

But she is more childish than me, i need to say that, if not my ego will not agree.

 Like if she went to shopping, she will send me the pics to select, only pictures of dresses and i select them. She mocks on me for my selection and then ends up buying that one only.

 On last Sunday, i lost my chance to batting in the cricket match at sports club because she called me, i am busy in talking to her and when i came back match is over.

And that's how my life is going on with her. I parked my bike at my home and i called her.


Nutella, it is. I don't know how you felt, but it is apt as equal, angel those names are already used by other writers and I dont want to offend. Also Manik is from London, so that i thought it will be apt.

Coming to Manik, he thinks he have her pic and trying a chance on her while he himself making hooking up that person with his buddy.

When he knows who is dhruv's girlfriend then trust me his reaction is going to be watchful.

I really really hope you people like this update, do let me know what you felt.

And guys please please VOTE*COMMENT*SHARE*please.

Keep smiling,

with love,


Manan : Conflicting ChangesWhere stories live. Discover now